Chapter 6 - don't be a bitch

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I unlocked my phone and went straight onto Facebook.
"Oh fuck" It turned out that I had uploaded a drunken photo with Sal. We were cuddled up together lying across my sofa, we both had drinks in our hands - but the worst part, was that Sal was kissing my cheek. Guess the whole "keeping it a secret" was out the window.

*cough cough* somebody was trying to get my attention. I looked up and saw Sal leaning on my door frame. "You've seen the photo then?"
"Uh, yeah. I'll delete it though, I-I mean I know you don't want people finding o-"
"No, keep it" he interrupted me.
"Yeah why not. It was only some drunken fun, right?"
"Oh. Yeah, ofcourse"
"It's the caption that made me laugh, we were waaaay too drunk" Sal grinned. "Want some coffee?"
"Yeah please" with that he left to make coffee.
I read the caption, it said "reunited witj my babyyycakjesdd <3333"
I guess I wasn't a good typer when I was drunk.
The way Sal described it as "just drunken fun" hurt more than anything had in a while. I wasn't expecting full blown commitment, sure, but It was never just some "drunken fun" for me.

The morning was spent with Ivy and the guys curing our vigorous hangovers and attempting to clear up round the house, obviously Sal was the only one really doing the second part, though.

Later on in the morning everyone was reflecting on last night - Murr rolling round in a pool of spilled vodka and playing spin the bottle.
"And when Sal and Rie were whispering sweet nothings into each-others ears for hours" Q burst out.
Sal shot Q an annoyed look, "I was drunk." Sal sighed and the room went awkwardly quiet.
Was I really just his drunken mistake?
I felt myself tear up. "I-I'm going for a, uh, shower, I-uh" I couldn't get my words out. "I'm sorry guys"
I left the living room just about getting to my room before letting out the waves of tears I was holding back. That was unlike me, I don't make big scenes or commotions, but Sal was twisting and breaking my heart in so many ways.
I heard Ivy outside my room "babe let me in, what's wrong?"
"Come in."
"What's up?" Ivy closed the door and passed me some tissues.
I sighed, "Sal"
"Yeah, I noticed. He's a dick sometimes..."
"A lot of times." I rolled my eyes. "He described what happened last night as "just drunken fun" and then he just completely brushed it off and got annoyed when Q just mentioned it."
Ivy pulled me into a comforting hug.
"Look, get yourself ready and I'll send the guys home and we can spend a movie day in, if that's what you want?"
"That would be great" I wiped away my tears and got into the shower.
Me and Ivy were watching our third movie of the day though I was just in the mood to sleep. I was still checking the notifications on the photo I uploaded, most comments said;
"are you together?!"
"Awhhhh, how cute!!!"
And It made my heart sink.
With that thought - my phone began to ring. I checked the caller ID, and of course...
"Fucking hell. It's Sal"
Ivy rolled her eyes. "Answer it - might as well. See what he has to say."
I got up and left the room, and answered it.
"What do you want Sal?"
"I don't know what I've done to you, I haven't done anything."
"Hah, that's rich."
"I don't get it?"
"You said everything that happened yesterday between us was 'just drunken fun' and then wouldn't even talk about it with Q and everyone this morning. Am I really that embarrassing to you?"
"Oh don't be a bitch, Rie. You're the one that left six years ago"
"Are you kidding me? Fuck you"
Sal hung up.
I knew this was a bad idea - we're back to square one, bad terms.

Right back at it again - Sal vulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now