Chapter 3 - ye olde faces

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"Ivy I'm nervous" I shot a worried look her way and took a seat on my couch.
"I can imagine Rie, I don't blame you. If it's any consolation, Q told me he couldn't wait to see you."
"Really?" I asked surprised.
"Of course! We haven't stopped talking about you the past few weeks" she laughed.

"Eh, I suppose that is comforting." I lied, no matter what she said right now, I would still be worried sick.

We waited around and I realised I had nothing in my fridge, I was getting sorta hungry and I was craving beer.

"Ivy I got nothing in, I need food and beer. I also need to pick up my new car I bought" I told her.
"What car you getting?"
"A green mini countryman. Always wanted one, thought I'd treat myself for a change." She looked at me with an approving smile.
With that there was a knock at the door. My stomach clenched and I felt myself instantly sweat.

"I'll get it!" Ivy jumped up and ran to the front door. "Hay babe!" I heard her say.
"Hey hun" I heard Q reply.
I pulled myself together and made my way to the front door to where they were, even though I was nervous I was still excited and couldn't wait to see Q.

When me and Q made eye contact we both made huge cheesy smiles.
"Jesus Christ Rie, you ain't changed a bit!" Q spoke with his deep raspy voice. He came over and engrossed me in on one of his big bear hugs.
"God, I have missed you" I sighed, hugging him straight back.
"Not a day I haven't thought about you" he told me and shot me a weak smile.

It was so good to see him again and all my anxiety lifted off me.
"Hun, we need to get some food and drinks so..." Ivy began.
"Say no more!" Q insisted. "I'll tag along. Hay I was thinking Rie, what if me and Ivy set up a little welcome home party? We could have it here, invite over some people? Nice place by the way."
I hesitated. "Thanks, the museum helped me get it. The party sounds cool, who will come?"
"Obviously us, then how about I invite the old squad, just like old times?"
I knew who he meant by the 'old squad' and I darted Ivy a concerned look.
"B-but only if that's okay with you?" Q questioned.
"She's only worried because she feels like everyone's forgot about her" Ivy rolled her eyes. "And her...past, with Sal"
Q nodded understandably. "Nobody has forgotten about you. We all miss you! And I wouldn't worry about Sal, he holds no grudges."
I bit my lip but finally agreed to Q's suggestion.
"Alright darling, I'll let the guys know you're back here - and I'll tell them about the party, if you're sure that's okay? I wouldn't blame you if not, Murr hasn't got less annoying" he winked.
"Hah, yeah that's fine, thanks Q" I giggled. I guess everyone still picked on Murr, bless him. "But can we do this tomorrow night, it's still a mess in here, and I am actually pretty tired"
"Yeah, sounds good - anything for you Rie" he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Talking about parties" Ivy whipped out a photo and showed me and Q.
I burst out laughing. "Awhhhh!" The picture was of me and Ivy about 7 years ago, at an all night party. Ivy had blonde hair here, it was a phase.
(((The picture is in the media for this chapter)))
Q took a glance of the photo. "I remember that!" We all laughed at the memories of that night.

Ivy told me to get some cash and to lock up, she made her way to her car and waited for me.
Before I went to get what I needed, Q grabbed my hand pulling me back.
He looked directly into my eyes, "Sal misses you, too."
I felt my stomach explode and I had serious butterflies all of a sudden. I grinned and shook his hand off mine. He left without saying a word.
"Holy shit" I whispered to myself. I felt my cheeks burn and my face began to ache because I was smiling so much.

I grabbed my things and made my way out to Ivy's car. We drove to the nearest store and grabbed baskets.
"I'll get some drink and food for tomorrow, what do you guys want?" I looked over to Ivy and Q, who were in each others arms, whispering into each others ears and laughing. I rolled my eyes.
"Uh, guys?" I raised my voice.
I got their attention and Ivy blushed. "Sorry Rie. Don't worry about all that, we got tomorrow covered." She winked at me and pulled Q away by his hand. "Meet us back at the car once you're done!" She shouted back at me.
Great. Guess I'm shopping on my own.
I quickly grabbed the necessities I needed, some beer and then paid for them all.
I made my way out to Ivy's car when I collided with somebody, dropping my bags and falling over. "Oh for fuck sake" I moaned. "How about you look where you're goi-" I stopped when I realised who I had bumped into.
"Well look who developed a quick temper over the years" I looked up to see Murr grinning down at me.
"MURR!" I jumped up and gave him a massive friendly hug. "I'm sorry, I had no idea it was you."
"No worries. Long time no see! Wait, I thought you were in Texas?"
Oh, of course. Ivy and Q didn't tell the rest of the guys I was coming back.
Just as I was about to explain, I heard Ivy and Q come out the store and up to us carrying crates of beer and bags full of food.
"Ah, I see you found the ferret?" Q teased.
Murr looked confused and we all laughed at him.
Ivy sighed, "it was meant to be a surprise Murr! Rie has moved back here"
"Aw that's great. Wish I would have known, could have got you a house warming present" he looked disappointed.
"Awh don't worry Murr" I hugged him again. "But if you really want to do something for me coming home, you could bring extra drinks for tomorrow"
Q told him all about tomorrow's plans. Murr delightfully agreed to attend, and assured me he'll bring me my favourite - lime vodka.
We said our goodbyes, until tomorrow.

Ivy dropped me off at the garage that had my car, I picked it up and we all drove back to my apartment. We pulled up on my drive way and helped each other carry the masses of beer we got, inside and into my kitchen.
"Thanks for your help guys." I opened up three beers, which we all clinked together and downed.
"Bring on tomorrow" Q smiled.
"Yeah...bring on tomorrow" I whispered, smiling.

After Ivy and Q had left I took a relaxing bubble bath, changed into an oversized t-shirt and got into bed. My phone buzzed and I checked it. It was a twitter message - I opened it up and my heart skipped a beat.
It was from Sal. It read;
'Heard you're back in town. Long time no speak. Thanks for the invite btw, I guess I'll see you tomorrow :)'
Oh, boy.
I replied with;
'You heard right. No problem, I'll see you tomorrow"

I couldn't help but shed a tear. It had been way too long since we had spoken, even if it was virtually. It was so unfair what happened to us, an unfortunate chain of events. I so desperately wanted to patch things up with him. 'Only time shall tell' I thought to myself. I only prayed it wouldn't be awkward, we didn't end on the best of terms...
---Kind of a long chapter, just wanted Rie to see some of the guys. Thanks for reading!---

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