Chapter 11 - fountain

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--- Rie's POV ---

I opened my eyes to see Sal's face right before me. His mouth was wide open and he was snoring pretty loud. I giggled to myself and slowly got out of the bed, being careful not to wake him.
I always thought he looked so cute when he was sleeping, mind you he always did.
I thought back to last night while I was making me and Sal breakfast - eggs on toast, it was both our favourite. I couldn't stop grinning to myself; I had my Sal-man back.

I heard loud footsteps make their way down the stairs and into the kitchen area. I felt butterflies dance across my gut as I knew just who it was. I pretended not to hear them, but Sal came and wrapped him arms around me, causing me to laugh.

"I gotta go film today" Sal said quietly in my ear. "I know it's a Sunday, but it's urgent we get this bit done. Wanna come with, you can see us in action?"

"Yeah, I don't work on Sundays so, sure" I replied whilst plating up our breakfast.

"Thanks for making breakfast, it's really good" he mumbled while taking a bite. "Oh, and I told the guys you stayed over last night, so be prepared" Sal rolled his eyes.

"I can deal with it" I laughed.

Sal dropped me off at my house so I could get changed, he waited in my living room whilst I put on some casual jeans, a crop top and some light make-up.

We drove over to the local fencing place where the guys were filming that day. Turns out Q invited Ivy along, and there was another girl that I had never seen before, she had short brown hair, brown eyes and was wearing a really cute, blue summer dress.
All the guys smirked when they saw me and Sal walk in together, but Sal just rolled his eyes.
"Hay guys! Who's this?" I motioned politely over to the girl in the summer dress.
"I-I'm Emily" she spoke softly. "Murr invited me along today."
Joe fake coughed and interrupted; "they're *cough* together *cough*"
Everybody laughed but Murr sighed and rolled his eyes. "Rie, this is my new girlfriend!"
"Aw, hey! I'm happy for you Murr" I smiled. "Joe where's Bessy today?"
Joe grinned and took a deep breath. "She's gone to visit her family to announce the big news"
Everyone looked confused and urged him to go on.
"Me and Bessy are having a baby."
My eyes lit up with shock.
"Congratulations man!" The guys all said and hugged him.
I took Joe into a big hug and congratulated him.
"She's three weeks along, we found out two days ago!" Joe said proudly - I knew he would be a fantastic dad.

After the big news the guys began to film, they were acting as fencing instructors - me, Ivy and Emily couldn't control our laughter as they all looked hilarious in the outfits.
"So Emily, how did you and Murr meet?" I asked her.
"We met years ago, but I met with him again earlier on this week at an event for bullying awareness - and we just hit it off" she smiled.
"Awh how cute!" Me and Ivy said in unison.
"We're taking it slow for now, but he seems lovely" she blushed.
"Yeah, he really is!" I giggled.

Ivy grabbed my hand and pulled me over, nearer to her. "So you stayed at Sals then?" she whispered while winking.
I rolled me eyes but giggled. "Yeah. it was really cute - I even made him breakfast this morning."
"Cute is a weird way to describe you two hooking up" She burst out laughing.
"Oh shut-up" I laughed while hitting her.

Filming took a few hours, then Q announced he wanted to take us all out for lunch on him, in celebration for Joe's wife Bessy, being pregnant. We discussed where we wanted to go and we landed on the nice Chinese restaurant in the mall near the fencing place.

We all jumped into our cars and drove over, we met just outside the restaurant but before we went in, Sal grabbed my hand and took me away.
"Guys carry on inside, we won't be long" Sal shouted back to the guys.
"Where are we going?" I giggled whilst gripping his hand harder.
Sal shrugged but smirked at me, hinting that he really did know. He took me the centre of the mall, where there was a scenic, grey fountain - and lots of expensive shops around. We took a seat on the fountain while Sal let go of my hand and stared into my eyes.
"Look, Rie, I know what happened years ago was pretty rough...and unfortunate, and I don't know how you feel about this but..." Sal opened his palms and leaned forward. "Will you be my girlfriend and give us another shot?" Sal breathed out looking relieved.
I grinned and leaned forward to kiss him. "Of course!" I giggled.
Sal also smiled, and we embraced eachother.
"What happened before won't happen again, you know that?" I whispered.
"I hope not" Sal sighed.
I grabbed his hand in reassurance. Butterflies were going crazy in my stomach, I almost felt sick. I was more than happy I moved back to Staten Island, even more now that I had Sal back.
"Guess we should go join the others" Sal hauled me to my feet and draped his arm round my shoulders before whisking me off in the direction towards the restaurant.

--- YAY they finally got back together! Emily, Murr's new girlfriend is based on - EmilyHidalgo95 - thanks for your feedback and input into this story :) Thanks for reading! ---

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