Chapater 7 - white roses and white wine

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Sal's POV -
I hung up. My heart sank. I shouldn't have done that.
I didn't want to hang up but, I couldn't deal with another argument, just like six years ago. I couldn't bare to be like this with her.
I sighed and ran my finger through my hair.
I guess I'll call joe, he always knows what to do.
I dialled joe's number and waited.
"Sal? What's up"
"I need help"
"Don't say anything more. I'll be over in 10." And with that Joe hung up.
I could always rely on Joe, he was defiantly the most mature of all of us, maybe because he is married to a lovely woman.

10 minutes later, Joe showed up.
"I was a dick to her Joe, again."
"Yeah I know" Joe rolled his eyes. "You need to stop this, seriously"
"I didn't mean to sound like she was embarrassing to me, I just didn't want to admit to it all because I don't know if she really does want to be with me again. I can't loose her, not again."
"Dude" Joe sighed. "Ofcourse she does, she's crazy about you. That's why she uploaded that photo, even if she was drunk"
"I'm just scared, man."
"You should go and surprise her, take her out. She would love that."
I knew she would love it, she always used to love it when I surprised her with chocolate or sometimes even jewellery.
"I-I dunno man. She's pretty mad at me"
Joe sighed. "Just do it." With that he got up and left.
I was walking round the store searching for the perfect thing to get Rie to make up for being a douche.
I spotted some perfect white roses and I knew instantly that they were what I should buy her. I picked up a bottle of white wine to go with it, paid for them and made my way to my car.
I was super nervous, I primped my hair and smoothed down my shirt.

I drove over to Rie's apartment, and grabbed her gifts. I knocked on her front door and waited.

Rie's POV -
I heard a knock on my door. Why do people always show up when I look awful. I opened the door to see Sal stood with beautiful white roses and a large bottle of my favourite kind of white wine.
"I'm sorry Rie." My cheeks turned a bright crimson red as I gladly took the roses and wine off him.
"I was a dick to you, I just...I just don't want to lose you again."
I got inches away from Sal's face and kissed him.
"Come in Sal" I smiled and took his hand. I put the roses in a vase and poured two glasses of wine.
"Hay, how about after this, we go over to the beach and grab some food?" Sal moved closer and whispered.
"Yeah sure." I looked up into Sal's big eyes, I'm so glad he came and apologised.

---// how do we feel about Sal's POV??? this is kinda bad, sorry guys. Need feedback and ideas! Thank you :) //---

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