Chapter 2: Tavern

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              The next several days were a slog through menial work, but for the first time in my life, I felt like it actually meant something. I didn't have much knowledge when it came to planting seeds in the ground, but I did remember some things that my grandpa had taught me. Most of my time was spent clearing bits of the farm to create usable land.

I hadn't seen much of anyone since I'd been here, considering I'd only really gone to Pierre's for seeds and the add food item now and then. I was living a very simple, minimal life, but it was better than the life I had left back in the city.

It was Friday night and I remembered my Grandpa always heading to the saloon on Friday's. It's always a time I looked forward to at the time, because it meant that the kids would all gather together at Sam's house and Jodi would watch over all of us. Even Shane would come, even once he was old enough to stay on his own. I decided to dig out some of my nicer clothes, not fancy, by any means, but better than what I'd been doing field work in. I got dressed and tried not to fuss over my outfit before setting off for the Stardrop Saloon.

I tried not to pull nervously at my clothes as I walked through the front door and everyone's eyes landed on me. Robin's eyes were the first I found after anxiously looking over everyone and she was already beelining for me. It made me feel safe, in a way. Cared for.

"I'm so glad you joined us dear!" Robin said as she briefly tugged me into a hug. "You want me to introduce you to everyone?" she asked and I fidgeted with the hem of my shirt again. "It won't be that bad, sweet pea." How could I deny that? And so she did.

Robin first guided me over to introduce me to her husband, Demetrius. I remembered him being around in the last few years I visited, and I vaguely recalled how miserable Sebastian had been. Especially the last year I was here, when his little sister was born. I didn't remember her name, though.

"He's Maru's father, I'm sure you'll meet her at some point," Robin said and that immediately filled in that blank. Maru... I'm sure she wasn't bad, by any means. But... I couldn't help but think of Sebastian. "Okay, and over here is Marnie," Robin moved us along and I smiled. I remembered Marnie. Of course I remembered Marnie. When I wasn't with my grandpa, or at one of my friends house, I was at the ranch. With Shane. Marnie was Shane's aunt, and I didn't remember exactly if he was like me and came here for the summers, or if he lived with her full time. I just remembered always having fun and bugging him.

Marnie pulled me out of my thought spiral by pulling me into a hug. It was weird to get so much affectionate attention from those around me, but I allowed myself to return the hug and talk to her and Lewis for a bit before Robin moved us along. The next couple of people, Leah and Elliot, were mostly a blur. I was starting to get rather overstimulated. And that's when he walked in. I knew it right off the bat... Shane. He'd changed, of course. But I knew.

"He's late," I heard someone murmur but I couldn't pick out who. Something was off about him, though... something was... smothered.

"Shane," the word left my lips in a whisper but he turned around regardless. He looked like a deer in the headlights the moment his eyes landed on me. He froze for a moment, and I did too, before he turned back the way he came and ran out of the saloon. Leaving me to wonder: what the hell just happened?

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