Chapter 6: Oreo

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**The cat is named after my cat who has passed on. I have had many animals throughout my life, but Oreo and I shared a bond that was truly one of a kind. This is an homage to him**

I didn't know how to feel, exactly, about the quick bond Abby and I formed. She came to the farm as often as she could, when she wasn't roped into helping with the shop. She brought over plants that Pierre had considered to be no good anymore and she would cultivate and care for them. Much like the land was teeming with magic and mystery, Abigail seemed in tune with the same energy.

One day I awoke to a knock on my door and I opened it expecting to see Abby, but it was Marnie. "Hi dear, I hope I didn't wake you," she said. We talked for a moment before she motioned to a cat laying on the porch. "I found this poor dear wandering and was wondering if you might want to keep him. He seems to like it here," she said. I stared down at the black and white tuxedo kitty and felt a part of my heart leave me and travel to him, as weird as it felt. My first animal.

"Yes. Absolutely, yes," I said as I dropped down to offer my hand to the cat. He sniffed my hand and instantly started purring and rubbing himself along me. I wanted to cry. Marnie smiled down at us and told me that she carried supplies in her shop for him and to stop by whenever before making her exit. I spent half an hour with my new companion before realizing that I had work that needed to be done.

"I have to work, baby," I told him gently. "But I'll be thinking of a name for you. You're safe here," I told him before kissing him on his perfect little forehead. He padded over and jumped onto my bed. He made two circles before plopping down and closing his eyes. I made a note to get him a kitty door, considering he was accustomed to outside life. He'd be a good barn cat, too. Considering he'd have that going for him, he shouldn't be much of a disruption to the ecosystem, either. He was the perfect little addition to the life I was beginning to build here. He felt... grounding. Like my first real touch of home.

As I farmed, I thought of names, but I kept coming back to a cliché name for tuxedo kitties. Oreo. It just... felt right. And so, as I finished up watering all of my crops, I decided it was the name for him. Oreo. As I walked back towards the house, I saw Abby's purple hair bobbing towards the house as well and I smiled.

"We have a new resident!" I exclaimed to her. I was quick to show her Oreo who was still fast asleep on my bed. Abby came with me to Marnie's to get everything we needed for Oreo, and then we resorted to online shopping. Packages were a bit difficult to get to Pelican Town, but it certainly wasn't impossible. Unfortunately, I was having to hotspot internet off my phone, so I decided to order some things to remedy that situation as well. I also made it a point to order packages under 'Addie Templeton' instead of my proper name. Templeton had been my mothers maiden name, so it seemed fitting.

In some ways, I was definitely not like my grandpa. I took full pleasure in the modern technology that the world had to offer. I'd been in Pelican Town less than two weeks and I was desperately craving the internet. Although I didn't have much money to spare, I definitely went a little overboard on things for Oreo. Abby even ended up ordering stuff for him, to which I protested, but she shushed me and didn't allow me to say anything more about it.

"Are you coming to the Saloon tonight?" Abby questioned me as she closed her phone and centered her focus on me. I'd completely forgotten it was even Friday, if I was being honest.

"Sure! But... can I ask you something?" Abby nodded. "What's Sebastian's deal?" Abby rolled her eyes and sighed.

"He's just being a dick. He doesn't know how to interact with you, so he's being a dick." I laughed at that.

"So he doesn't hate me?" I questioned. I could hear the vulnerability leaking into my voice and I tried to stuff it back into its little box.

"No, Addie. He doesn't hate you. The summer you... didn't come... he was miserable. After that, he always hated summer. He hated the beach and ice cream and... honestly, anything that reminded him that you weren't here. That you weren't coming back. We all missed you, sure. But Sebastian... and Shane... they took it hard."

"Shane..." I murmured as I thought about last Friday. "He... he ran away when he saw me," I told her and she nodded sadly.

"He's... not the same, Ad's. He's drunk more than he is sober. He's rude and pushes everyone away. He left for a bit, after he turned eighteen. He came back with his goddaughter, a drinking problem, and... the light in his eyes was gone."

"His god daughter?" I questioned. Abby barked out a stifled laugh.

"We have to get you off the farm more, babe," she said with an eyeroll. "Go get dressed," she ushered and I did as I was told. 

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