Chapter 15: The Pond

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4:45, Abby: You okay?

4:58, Abby: I'm here if you need anything ♡

I couldn't find it in me to figure out how to respond to Abby. Sebastian sent me a message, too, apologizing for anything he might've done. But it wasn't him. It was me. I knew I could only run from my past physically, in the end. Eventually everything would catch up to me and hit me. But I didn't quite expect it this soon.

After I had no more tears to cry, I decided to go for a walk and gently moved Oreo onto the bed beside me. I numbly walked towards Cindersnap forest, just wanting to be alone and wander. I was for a while, alone with nothing but my thoughts. But then I heard water ripple and I looked into the distance, confused. I vaguely saw a figure sitting at the edge of the pond's dock and squinted. I instinctually began to move towards him and was able to recognize that it was Shane. Before I could turn around and give us the space, we were both obviously seeking, his gaze lifted to meet mine.

"Addie," his voice was gruff and gentle at the same time. He looked down at the cans next to him and held one out in my direction. I started to move towards him, wishing I could just turn around and disappear. But a beer sounded really nice right now... and... it was Shane. I walked slowly out onto the dock and then silently plopped beside him. The sound of the can opening reverberated through the nearly silent night. I sighed as I lifted the beer to my lips.

I'd never enjoyed beer. The taste was horrible, and I didn't see the point. If you were going to drink something you didn't like, might as well make sure it fucks you up good enough. I took a sip and noted it wasn't the worst I'd ever had. Sure, I didn't enjoy it, but god damn did I need some alcohol in my system.

"You're out here late," Shane noted. It wasn't a question, just a statement. I nodded and hummed.

"So are you."

"This is normal for me," he huffed out.

"Who's to say it's not for me?" I rolled my eyes.

"You've been here a month, doll. I haven't seen you out this late once," he responded.

"Yeah, yeah," I waved the subject off. "You got me, I'm out late." Shane and I settled into silence for a while longer and I found myself wishing I had more than beer. Something stronger, something that could properly numb me. Something that could take it away.

I startled out of that thought, however. Things like social drinking, and even weed, are fine. But I couldn't allow myself to slip. It'd taken me a lot of willpower to dodge drugs and get myself clean. It was my first secret step of my escape. I never would've been able to if I was drugged out of my mind. And they knew that too. It's why they supported the drugs.

"You're not a little kid anymore," Shane seemed to shock himself at the words falling from his mouth. I nodded sadly before kicking back the can and downing the rest of the can.

"Neither of us are," I sighed. The words seemed to strike a cord with him and he stared out at the lake. I stayed only a little while longer before I decided that I should make it back to the farm. I knew I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight, but I could at least pretend to try.

"Thank you," I said gently as my hand landed lightly on Shane's shoulder causing him to briefly jump. I pulled my hand back quickly, not realizing what I'd been doing until it was already done.

"See you," Shane said out gruffly and I headed off back to the farm.

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