Seblos: Right Here In My Arms

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Summary: Seb and Carlos sing something together to put their baby daughter back to sleep.

Title based on the song from Barbie as the Island Princess.

Parenting hadn't been always so easy, but it wasn't as hard as it seemed. Especially for Carlos and Seb Matthew-Smith-Rodriguez. They had been married for about three years, and six months ago this year, they had a baby girl. A beautiful daughter named Isabella Faith Matthew-Smith-Rodriguez.

Carlos and Seb were sweethearts during high school and they remained throughout college in New York. Since after graduating from NYADA, they lived their lives as successful Broadway actors, and they won as much awards, including Tonys. And they got a big mansion outside of the city. On the day of Carlos's last show for the musical he was in, he proposed to Seb. A year and a half later, they got married with their families and dear close friends there for their wedding. 

A couple years later, Seb miraculously got pregnant and he and Carlos were overjoyed about having a family. After nine months of an amazing pregnancy, Seb gave birth to a daughter, Isabella, and since then, he and Carlos have loved her very much every single day. But sometimes, it would rough for the two when Isabella would cry during the day, or in the middle of the night, which caused Carlos and Seb to lose some sleep around from time-to-time. They almost didn't know what to do anymore until that one night...

Isabella's cries awaken Carlos and Seb when they were in bed. Seb was about to get up, but Carlos stopped him.

"You sleep. I'll get her," Carlos told his husband.

"But Carlos--" Seb tried protesting.

"No buts, Sebastian. You need your rest," Carlos said.

"That's what you said after I had Izzy," Seb stated.

"True, but it's worth it sometimes. You just stay here and sleep, and I'll be right back, okay?" Carlos said.

"Okay," Seb replied before going back to sleep.

Carlos pressed a kiss on Seb's head and went to find out to see what Izzy wanted.
*half an hour later*

Seb couldn't sleep as he tossed and turned and he waited for Carlos who had not come back yet while Izzy couldn't stop crying. And then, he gave up.

"That's it. I'm gonna see what's taking Carlos so long," Seb said as he got up from his bed.

He walked out of the bedroom and to find Carlos in their daughter's room, where he was slowly pacing  back and forth while gently rocking Izzy.

"Shh, Izzy. Come on, please. You're gonna wake up Dadda," Carlos tiredly moaned.

"Too late," Seb spoke.

Carlos was spooked the second he looked at Seb.

"Seb! What are you doing up? I thought you were asleep," Carlos said.

"And I thought you were going to come back to bed after you've taken care of Izzy," Seb told him.

"I'm sorry. I've tried everything, but she won't stop crying. When I came in here, I grabbed her from her crib and see what was wrong. Then I smelled a nasty poop from her diaper, so I gave her a change. But she wouldn't stop crying. So, I checked to see if she wanted a bottle, but she refused for one. I don't even know what she wants anymore! Please help me, Seb! I don't know what to do!" Carlos pleaded.

Seb took a moment to think until an idea hit him.

"I got it! What if we sing something to put her to sleep?" Seb suggested.

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