━━━━━━ (𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒)

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The weather had gotten worse during the train ride to Hogwarts. The sky had grown dark and gloomy, with clouds covering the better part of it. Harsh drops of rain thundered against the window of the train. Sliding down the glass as if the drops of water were competing to see who could be the fastest.

Inside the compartment, it was luckily warm. Harry was talking about everything with Sirius Black that Arthur had told him just before they left for the platform. Ron sat with Scabbers and Hermione on the left side of the compartment, all while Ivy sat beside Harry, with Crookshanks in her lap. By the window, on the right side, sat an unknown man to the four. He was sound asleep. He wasn't snoring, but he hadn't moved an inch in response to the four talking.

- Let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban to come after you? - Ron asked, slightly horrified at the thought.

- Yeah. - Harry simply answered.

- But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean, everyone's looking for him. - Hermione said.

- Sure.

- Except, no-one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and he is a murderous, raving lunatic. - Ron added. Ivy gave him a "really" look as she petted Crookshanks.

- Thanks, Ron. - Harry thanked him sarcastically.

The train suddenly started to stop, brakes screeching. The sudden stop made all four tense, and Crookshanks quickly jumped over and curled up beside Hermione. Harry had reached out to steady himself at the stop and happened to lay his hand on top of Ivy's. It made her turn her head quickly and just glance at it, making Harry quickly remove his hand.

- Why are we stopping? - Hermione asked with confusion. - We can't be there yet.

Harry stood up, and opened the door to the compartment and looked outside to see if he could get any idea of what was wrong. It seemed other students at Hogwarts had the same idea, as Harry could see fellow schoolmates doing just like him. But when the train shook vigorously, it caused the boy to get thrown back into his seat inside the compartment as the compartment door closed.

- What's going on? - Ron looked around.

- Dunno. Maybe we've broken down. - Harry suggested it to the other three, but the lights went out just as he said so.

- Ouch Ron, that was my foot.

The Weasley boy who had moved to look out the window. Pressing his face against it and trying to just get a glimpse of what it might have been that caused the sudden stop. The light suddenly flickers on again.

The compartment door suddenly opened and someone fell painfully over Harry's legs. 

- Sorry... do you know what's going on?... Ouch! Sorry.

- Hello, Neville. - said Harry, feeling around in the dark and pulling Neville up by his cloak.

- Harry? Is that you? What's happening?

- I don't know. - Harry said - Sit down.

There was a loud hissing and a yelp of pain. Neville had tried to sit on Crookshanks.

- I'll see with the train driver what's going on. - Hermione said as she went to the door, and then a thud and two loud squeals of pain happened

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