━━━━━━ (𝑜𝑛𝑒)

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Ivy had been in Slytherin for only a few days, and the common room had started to feel a bit like home. The emerald and silver decor, the softly crackling fireplace, and the occasional whispering of fellow Slytherins made her feel a sense of belonging she had never experienced before, After the awkwardness passed, she really started to notice why a lot of people say that Slytherin has the best common room in the school.

She sat in a corner of the common room, engrossed in a thick potions book she had borrowed from the library earlier today. Her life had been filled with books, and they were her comfort zone.

Suddenly, she heard a voice that drew her attention.

- Is this seat taken?

Ivy looked up to see Theodore Nott, the same Slytherin who had been one of the few to welcome her on her first day. He had a mysterious air about him, and Ivy had been curious to get to know him better. She smiled and shook her head, indicating that he could sit.

Theodore settled into the chair across from her, his dark eyes fixed on her book.

- Potions, huh? You must be quite dedicated to your studies.

- Yes, well, it's one of the few things I'm good at.

Theodore leaned forward slightly.

- You'll find that Slytherin values dedication and ambition. If you ever need help with your studies, feel free to ask.

She smiled at him, and they began to chat, the common room door swung open, and in walked Draco Malfoy. His presence was impossible to ignore, Ivy had found out that recently, he always finds a way to get attention.

To Ivy surprise, he makes his way over to her and Theodore.

- Theodore, I'm starting to think you're running away from me.

Theodore shrugged casually.

- Just getting to know Ivy. She's quite bright, you know.

Draco raised an eyebrow, but then turned his attention to Ivy.

- Bright, huh? Well, Ivy, I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy.

- Nice to meet you, Malfoy. I'm Ivy Diggory.

As Ivy, Theodore, and Draco chatted, a fourth figure approached their little group.

- What's going on here?

- Just meeting the younger Diggory. - Draco said

- Yes, I'm Ivy, and I was just getting to know Theodore and Draco, and now you, Daphne.

- Daphne Greengrass. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ivy. - Daphne extended a graceful hand, and Ivy shook it.

As the four Slytherins continued their conversation, Ivy felt a sense of camaraderie growing among them. She had not expected to make friends so quickly, especially given the differences in their personalities, but it was becoming clear that Slytherin had a lot more to offer than she had initially thought.

Soon, Ivy noticed that Draco didn't seem to be Potter biggest fan for the amount of times he mentioned him to say how awful he was, which she couldn't care less, it wasn't her problem. She didn't really care about Potter, she thought he probably had an ego from his fame, and him coming late to Transfiguration class only made that impression bigger, but other than that, he just seemed like a normal 11-year-old.

But along to Draco and his little friends, she couldn't stop laughing at Potter during potions class, and didn't miss the way Snape purposely ignored their behaviour. Confirming what Theodore had told her about an older student mentioning to him that Snape favoured the students of Slytherin.

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