━━━━━━ (𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝑡𝑤𝑜)

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- Draco. - Ivy acknowledged as she pulled the chair back to sit next to him in the library.

- Ivy. - he quietly responded without looking up from his book, and if she didn't know Draco any better, his straight face would indicate annoyance. Luckily, she did know better.

- You smile any brighter, the sorting hat will transfer you to Hufflepuff, you know.

- Please, kill me before such a thing occurs. - Ivy let out a nasal laugh, and finally sat down.

- You know... I've been working since last year to earn gallons.

- Did you now? - he inquired, genuine curiosity evident in his voice.

- Yes.

- Well, good for you, I guess. Why are you telling that?

- I rented a small flat in London. - she blurted out. Draco finally looked up, surprise evident on his face.

- You're not even of age yet. - he pointed out, a hint of incredulity in his voice.

- Professor Snape vouched for me.

- Snape? - Draco echoed, his disbelief evident in his tone. Ivy simply nodded in response, leaving Draco speechless for a moment.

- Well, Congratulations, I guess.

- So, I have a spare room in there. So I thought you might want to stay with me over the Christmas holidays? Your mother or dad don't hate me yet, so I thought it might be possible. Gives you a chance to get out once in a while.

- And what makes you think living with you will be any more bearable than living in my own mansion? - Draco snarkily remarked.

- A simple 'no' would suffice don't you think?

- Do I need to pay rent every month?

- I'm inviting you, of course not.

- Fine, I suppose I could join you in little small flat.

- Wow. I feel honoured, Draco. Don't always do this. I might get used to it. - she teased, unable to resist the opportunity to poke fun at him. - You can bring your own pillow if you want, I can't promise you'll find mine comfortable.

Draco shook his head laughing.
With her goal accomplished, Ivy had no more reason to stay in the library, so she got up, the chair she sat on screeched loudly as it was being pushed back. She could feel the librarian's furious eyes on her back. Ivy couldn't help but chuckle to herself. The librarian's glare was nothing new to her; she had grown accustomed to it over the years

- Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'm leaving. - she waved her hand in the air and exited the room.

The time quickly flew by in a blur for Ivy. She and Draco had set up a small but lovely Christmas tree inside the apartment. It was a modest tree, adorned with a few sparkling ornaments and twinkling lights, but it made the apartment feel homier and more comfortable. They had spent an whole afternoon together decorating it, with Draco grumbling about the glitter getting everywhere and Ivy laughing at his attempts to untangle the fairy lights.

Despite the chaos in the real world, the little flat became their sanctuary. Draco, though he would never admit it, seemed to enjoy these simple moments. His usual aloof demeanor softened in the cozy warmth of the apartment, and Ivy caught glimpses of genuine smiles from him.

- I have to admit. - he said, his voice low - This place isn't half bad.

- Maybe it's the company. I'm great after all. - Draco rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips.

- You're insufferable, you know that?

- That's why you love me - she shot back, nudging him with her elbow. He let out a reluctant chuckle, shaking his head.

- Maybe. But don't let it get to your head.

- Jokes aside. I'm glad you think so. It's nice to have you here.

- You've done well, Ivy. It's not easy... everything you've been through. I can't imagine being in your shoes. - Ivy looked down, feeling a mix of emotions.

- Well, It's not easy for you either. - she said, indirectly addressing his home situation. Something they always did. It was their way—speaking in riddles and metaphors to skirt around the painful truths - But we make do, don't we?

Draco reached out, hesitating for a moment before placing a hand on her shoulder.

- Yeah, we do.

- Thanks for being here. - Ivy said, her voice barely above a whisper.

- Always.

A few days before the return to Hogwarts, Ivy found herself heading to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. The Order of the Phoenix had arranged a visit to see Mr. Weasley, who had been attacked by Voldemort.

The hospital was bustling with healers and visitors, but Ivy felt a sense of dread as they made their way through the corridors. The antiseptic smell and the quiet hum of activity added to her unease.

She headed straight for Mr. Weasley's room, her heart pounding. Inside, she found Mrs. Weasley and Ginny sitting quietly by their father's bedside. They looked up in surprise as she entered.

- Ivy, what are you doing here? - Mrs. Weasley asked, standing to greet her.

- I wanted to see how Mr. Weasley was doing. - Ivy replied, giving them a reassuring smile. - How is he?

- He's stable. - Ginny said, relief evident in her voice. - The healers say he’s getting better.

- Where are Ron, Hermione, and the others? I expected it to be a little more full.

- They went to explore the hospital a bit, stretch their legs. - Ginny explained.

- They should be back soon. - Mrs. Weasley said, Ivy nodded, moving closer to Mr. Weasley's bed.

- Hello, Mr. Weasley. It's good to see you awake. - Mr. Weasley managed a weak smile.

- Thank you for coming, Ivy. It's so good to see again. It's been so long. It's just funny that when we reunite, it's in the hospital. - he slightly laughed, while Ivy remember that she hadn't seen him or Mrs. Weasley since Cedric funeral, so months, so now she's reuniting with them just now, in St. Mungus

- I know, it's been too long. - Ivy said softly. - But I'm glad you're getting better.

- Yeah. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Harry.

Ivy furrowed her brows in confusion, but quickly disguised it. She stayed for a while, chatting quietly with Mrs. Weasley and Ginny, offering what comfort she could. She kept glancing at the clock, mindful of the time. Eventually, she knew she had to leave before Draco woke up and noticed she was gone.

- I should go. - she said softly, standing up

- Take care of yourselves. And Mr. Weasley, keep fighting. - Ivy said, squeezing Ginny's hand before heading out.

She hurried back through the hospital, hoping she wouldn't run into Ron, Hermione, or Harry. The cold air outside felt bracing as she made her way back to the apartment. When she finally returned, she found Draco still asleep, sprawled on the couch. She let out a sigh of relief, gently draping the blanket that had fallen to the floor over him again, smiling softly as he stirred but didn't wake.

Overall, the holidays were a welcome break and a good time, making Ivy reluctant when it was time to pack her bags. After an hour of hearing Draco complain about her taking so long, she finally emerged from her room to find him waiting, only one bag in his hand.

- Where's the rest of your things? - she asked, noticing his cheeks turn a light shade of red.

- Left them here for the summer. - he off-handedly replied.

Ivy laughed but decided not to comment further.

- Great, since you have a hand available, you can help me carry this bag then. - she grinned, pushing the smaller bag into his hands and marching out the door with her heavy luggage dragging behind her.

Draco rolled his eyes but followed her, a faint smile playing on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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