━━━━━━ (𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛)

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Harry had really been dumb enough to think that his fourth year would be a normal year.

But still, here he was. Almost three months into the school year, pacing back and forth in the Champions tent. Waiting for the first task to start. Harry was oblivious to the sympathetic looks he earned from Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour of the Beauxbatons Academy. Victor Krum, from Durmstrang Institute, is focused on himself.

How Harry had entered into this was beyond him. However, it appeared that people did not understand that he was not interested in the eternal glory that this tournament would bring. He was already known around the world as the boy who lived. If he just said his last name, everyone knew who he was, which he didn't exactly love.

"You really think I believe you'd want to put your life at risk when a dark wizard is already out for you?"

She seemed tired at that moment, and Harry understood why. The story had reached him about Ivy reaction to her brother being a part of the tournament.

A group of students had witnessed the scene after the announcement, Ivy crying and screaming at her brother in the corridors. And now, a few weeks after that, Ivy still hadn't spoken a word to her brother, totally ignoring him, giving cold shoulder and side eye.

In the few times, Cedric and Harry spoke, Cedric always asked about Ivy.

The roar of a dragon made everyone in the Champions' tent look towards where the arena supposedly was. Harry shook his head, his thoughts going away, and when he met eyes with the Hufflepuff boy, he nodded at him before continuing to pace around.

- Psst! - Harry whipped around at the sound with furrowed brows. - Pssst!

He walked over towards the back of the tent and listened in. It seemed whoever was there noticed someone else was on the other side, and soon they spoke up.

- Harry, is that you? - Ivy. Her voice calmed him down, at least a little.

- Yeah. What are you doing here?

- I thought you might need a bit of encouragement. - Ivy replied

- I appreciate it. Facing a dragon isn't exactly on my list of favourite things. - Harry managed a small smile, appreciating her unexpected presence, and Ivy chuckled

- Well, if anyone can handle it, it's you, Harry. - Ivy's supportive words began to weave a sense of confidence around Harry. - What is a dragon close to... well, you know who? - she tried to crack up a joke, and Harry laughed at her effort to make him feel better

- Ivy... 

- Yes?

This is the moment-

- I... - He pauses, inhaling deeply and squeezing his eyes shut tightly in an effort to maintain his courage - I love you.

I did it. I bloody did it. I can't believe!

- I love you too.

- You do? - Harry asks, perplexed.

- Of course I do, you git. You're my best friend.

Best friend?

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't see when Ivy opened the curtain, only waking up when she jumped in his arms hugging him.

It took him a second to steady himself as Ivy had her arms tightly around his neck, but he didn't waste a second in hugging her back, making sure to take the opportunity, since they never really hugged like that.

In that small space, hidden from the watchful eyes of the magical world, their closeness stirred emotions, and for a fleeting instant, the world outside the Champions' Tents seemed to fade away.

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