━━━━━━ (𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒)

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- I saw my dad.

- Harry, what are you doing? - Ivy asked, furrowing her eyebrows as Harry sat up, put his glasses back on and picked up his wand.

- I need to see the headmaster. - was all he said.

- Potter. - said Madam Pomfrey soothingly. - It's all right. They've got Black. He's locked away upstairs. The Dementors will be performing the kiss any moment now...

- What? - the four screamed

At that moment, Dumbledore comes in the room.

- Professor Dumbledore, Sirius Black...

- My apologies, Poppy, but I need a word with Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Diggory and Miss Granger. Dumbledore said in his usual calm voice.

- No problem, headmaster.

- Director, stop them. They got the wrong man. - Hermione said, as soon as Madam Poffrey was out of the room.

- It's true! Sirius is innocent. - said Harry

- Scabbers is the culprit. - Ron said

- Scabbers?

- He's my rat, sir. Well, it's not really a rat. It was a rat. It was my brother Percy's mouse. But then they gave him an owl...

- Ronald, just stop... - Ivy put a hand on his shoulder, silently telling him to shut up

- The fact is, we know the truth. - Hermione said. - Please believe us.

- I believe, Miss Granger. - Dumbledore spoke - But the word of a four 13-year-old wizards will convince little. A child's voice, though honest and truthful, is of little value to those who cannot hear. - Dumbledore spoke, lightly patting Ronald's injured leg - Mysterious thing, time. Powerful and, when interfered with, dangerous. Sirius Black is in the highest cell in the Dark Tower. You know the rules, Miss Granger. You are not to be seen. And you'd do right, I feel, if you'd come back before this last chime. If not, the consequences will be too horrible to discuss. If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life can be spared. Three laps should suffice, I think.

- Professor? - Ivy called him before he could leave, and he turned to her - Does my brother know that I'm here?  

- We haven't had the time to inform your brother yet...

- There's no need! - Ivy said, a little too eager - I mean, I will tell him myself.

Last year, when Cedric told their parents about Ivy adventure in the Chamber Of Secrets, and saw them only reprimanding her and leaving with a pat on the shoulder, he decided to take it upon himself to ground her ashe literally grounded her for a whole month.

After Dumbledore left the Hospital Wing, Hermione seemed to be deep in thought, and Harry took the opportunity to talk with Ivy.

- Are you okay? - Harry asked - You were next to me, and then you suddenly disappeared.

- Hum? Yes. Madam Poffrey said I fainted due to not having eaten anything for hours since breakfast.

- Sorry, Ron, but since you can't walk. - out of nowhere, they heard Hermione say to Ron, and looked at her

Hermione pulled Ivy closer to her along with Harry, and placed the time-turner around their necks.

Ivy closed her eyes as everything began to turn around as she felt her stomach not approving what see was seeing. It only opened when she heard Hermione's voice talking to Harry.

- When I asked you to take me with you on time travel with you. I had something different in mind. - Ivy says

- Sorry. But let's not be seen. - Hermione said, and the trio began to run

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