Some Changes

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All right. First thing first, I'll rewrite the "Chapter 7: Shizu" and "Chapter 8: Departure". I decided to keep Shizue alive, since I really like her to be paired up with Rimuru in this story. Without harem, of course.

I feel like, Shizue will do a lot to change Rimuru in this story. That's why I'll stop following the flow of tensura, and instead change some of the events. I hope that's fine with you.

I wrote this fanfic long time ago, but I just didn't published it since I am working on my COTE story. At that time, I am still not fond of Shizue, that's why I let her die. But now, I realized that she can be a help to change Rimuru in this story.

I came to the realization that, it's not whether I am fond of her or not, it's about the story.

So with that said, new chapter will be hold until I finished rewriting the Chapter 7 and chapter 8.

That's all. Thanks for your time.

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