Chapter Two

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A dragon without its rider is a tragedy. A rider without their dragon is dead.

—Article One, Section One
The Dragon Rider’s Codex

Chapter Two

"Oh? Brennan's sister is here?" Mary asked.

I nodded. There's still a few candidates at the parapet. I estimated 3 hours before everyone is across. In the mean time, I would look for Violet and give her a piece of my mind.

"Speaking of, I gotta find her. A friend found her earlier and whisked her away. She's ought to be back by now." I excused myself from our group, removing Reginald's arms off my shoulder.

"Want me to come with?" Jane asked.

"Nah, I'm just gonna catch up with her for a few minutes. Thanks for the offer though." I parted from our group of four. I passed by fellow riders, smiling and nodding at them as greeting.

"Hello Cat!" "Hi!" "Hey Cat!" I greeted everyone back as I looked for Violet. I even tried looking for her friend.

The massive courtyard, which could easily fit a thousand riders, is just like the map Philip showed me. Shaped like an angular teardrop, the rounded end is formed by a giant outer wall at least ten feet thick. Along the sides are stone halls. The four-story building carved into the mountain with the rounded end is for academics, and the one on the right, towering over the cliff, is the dorms, my dorm room is at the third floor as I'm a third year. The imposing rotunda linking the two buildings also serves as the entrance to the gathering hall, commons, and library behind it. 

I love the rotunda. The architecture and the atmosphere reminded me of my home back in Calldyr. After a few minutes of going and looking around, I finally found who I'm looking for. She's with the girl from earlier and a new other girl. She's making friends already? Too soon.

"I'm hurt. I'm literally behind you earlier and you just walked past me like I'm invisible." I approached them from behind.

The three girls turned around. Violet's eyes shined with recognition before smiling. "Cat!" She laughed.

"Hello." I smiled at her. Violet laughed as she run to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Oh Cat! It is you!"

"It's me." I laughed, hugging her back.

"You found me!"

"I did."

"You're still here!"

"I'm yet to graduate so yes." I replied patting her head. Violet broke the hug and looked at me.

"Third year." She noted the stars in my leathers. "Wow! Black really suits you! It matches your hair and eyes. You look good!" She smiled.

"I can say the same about you. Mira gave you dragon scales I see. That's good, you have protection." I said as she looped her arms around mine, dragging me to where her two newly made friends are.

"Cat, these are Rhiannon and Tara." Violet introduced us. Rhiannon's the one she witched boots with, Tara is the mini Mira. Noted. "Guys, this is Cat."

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Catalina, Catalina Kozivar." I smiled.

Rhiannon and Tara blinked.

"It's my surname isn't it?" I laughed.

"You're a Kozivar?" Rhiannon asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Rhiannon asked.

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