Short Guide

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OC Name: Catalina Kozivar

Nicknames: Cat/Lina

Dragon: Cothromaíocht (Coth) (Blue and Gold Thornspike tail)

Status: Alive

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Relatives: Silvia Kozivar (mother)
                   Andrew Kozivar (father)
                   James Kozivar (brother)
                   Philip Kozivar (brother)
                   Augustus Kozivar (grandfather)
                   Philipa Kozivar (grandmother)

Nobility: Kozivar Family of Calldyr, Lady of Calldyr (daughter of Duke Andrew and Duchess Silvia)

Civil Status: Single (Brennan Sorrengail, deceased lover)

Thornspikes are one of the rare types of dragons in Navarre, closest relative to the Morningstar Tail. Their tails are similar yet different from the clubtail and morningstar tails for the spikes in their tail don't grow on club or circle shaped tail ends, the spikes on their tails grow in random places of their tails and at the very tip, an arrow shaped spike. The spikes can either poison or burn you alive depending on the dragon, these species barely bond for they are known to keep to themselves and are rather self-preserving, secretive, and very cunning, only coming out of their nests once in a blue moon. The only known Thornspikes there is are Cothromaiocht and three other thornspikes last sighted almost 50 years ago. Thornspikes are known for their ruthlesness and intellect, in terms of wisdom, this dragon type does not need to be black or blue to be feared not only by humans but also by dragon kind. It battles the feathertails when it comes to not knowing information because there is only 3 bonded Thornspikes in history and they refused to share information, even with their riders. Thornspikes are known and easily distinguished for they are the only dragons to have 2 different colors.

A picture of Cothromaíocht: 

If you have read Iron Flame and is confused why the OC has the same nickname as another character, it is intended

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If you have read Iron Flame and is confused why the OC has the same nickname as another character, it is intended.

Author's Note: please imagine that Coth's eyes are gold like in the second pic. I used the "My dragon" filter on tiktok so the dragon is different from the dragons in fourth wing illustrations where the scaled of the lower/under part are a lighter black or blue. Please imagine that the scales on her neck on the second picture is the same color as the first one, I suck at editing.

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