Chapter Six

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While writing this chapter, I remembered my question when I first read the part where Violet asks Kaori why Naolin saved Brennan. The thing that can stop me writing this fanfic is the possibility that Brennan and Naolin were lovers, I'm not really in for writing a story where I ship an o/c with a character who already has a confirmed and Canon relationship/love interest in the original story. We don't exactly know how old is Naolin and his relationship with Brennan for him to try and revive him to the point of dying as well.

Catalina's PoV:

"Dragons only talk to their bonded riders, just like they only give their full name to their bonded rider. You should know that by now." I hear Proffesor Kaori say. I am outside his class right now, I received word that he's asking me to assist him in class by answering a few questions for the cadets today.

Definitely for some information about Thornspikes, seeing as I'm the only Rider who's bonded with one the last 200 years. Only bonded riders to these dragons know about Thornspikes.

I peeked a bit to know what is going on but stayed hidden. Professor Kaori sends Jack Barlowe a look that shuts the first-year's mouth but doesn't stop him from sneering at the other cadet. "They don't share their reasons," he says. "And anyone who respects their life won't ask a question they're not willing to answer."

"Do the numbers affect the wards?" a Cadet asks as she taps her quill. Good question, I asked the same thing when I was a first year myself, to this day, it is still unanswered.

Professor Kaori's jaw ticks twice. "We're not sure. The number of bonded dragons has never affected the integrity of Navarre's wards before, but I'm not about to lie to you and say that we're not seeing increased breaches when you know from Battle Brief that we are."

The wards are faltering at a rate that makes my stomach tense every time Professor Devera starts our daily Battle Brief. Either we're weakening or our enemies are getting stronger. Both possibilities mean the cadets in this room are needed more than ever. Reality is sinking in that soon, my batchmates and I will be out there in the real battlefield soon.

But I can't help but to wonder about all the possibilities.

The illusion Professor Kaori created changes to Sgaeyl, the navy-blue dragon bonded to Xaden.

"You won't have to worry about how to approach blue dragons, since there are none willing to bond this Threshing, but you should be able to recognize Sgaeyl if you see her," Professor Kaori says.

"So you can fucking run," Ridoc, one of Violet's peers if I remember correctly, drawls.

Running won't do you no good if they blast you with a wall of fire.

"She's a Blue Daggertail, the rarest of the blues, and yes, if you see her without her bonded rider, you should...definitely find somewhere else to be. Ruthless does not begin to describe her, nor does she abide by what we assume to be what the dragons consider law. She even bonded the relative of one of her previous riders, which you all know is typically forbidden, but Sgaeyl does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. In fact, if you see any of the blues, don't approach them. Just..."

"Run," Ridoc repeats, raking his hand through his floppy brown hair.

"Run," Professor Kaori agrees with a smile, the mustache above his top lip quivering slightly. "There are a handful of other blues in active service, but you'll find them all along the Esben Mountains in the east, where the fighting is most intense. They're all intimidating, but Sgaeyl is the most powerful of them all."

I can't argue with that. Sgaeyl is ruthless. Once you find out who she's bonded to and what her rider's signet is, no explanation is needed as to why Xaden Riorson got an elemental type signet: shadow wielding.

Bigger Than The Whole SkyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora