Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: I put Alexis back, he is now Jane's Section Leader. I forgot I have to give a name for Jane's Section Leader since she's just an Executive so yeah. Welcome back Alexis.

Accusing a wingleader of wrongdoing is the most dangerous of all accusations. If you’re right, then we’ve failed as a quadrant to select the best wingleaders. If you’re wrong, you’re dead.

—My Time as a Cadet: A Memoir
by General Augustine Melgren

“Oren Seifert.” Captain Fitzgibbons finishes reading the death roll and closes the scroll as we stand in formation, our breath creating clouds in the chilled air. “We commend their souls to Malek.”

I can't even focus fully, seeing as there's a bruise on Violet's skin. I tried approaching her earlier but Xaden called ME.

"Your brother sent me a letter last night, asking how we are doing. He said he also sent a letter to you."

"Did you get it for me?" I asked.

"No, the one incharge of the mail won't give it to me."

Understandable, not everyone is aware of out connection to each other.

I was about to go to Violet again after the small conversation but all the wings were called into formation.

Hearing Oren's name on the death roll isn't a surprise. The two others on today’s list are third-years from Third Wing, killed on a training operation near the Braevick border, according to breakfast gossip that Jane had gathered.

I can't help but look towards the direction of the fourth wing and overhear a bit of conversation.

“I do not need a bodyguard,” Violet snaps at Xaden. They are not getting along well so far, it will change soon.... I hope.

He ignores her, facing Dain. “Liam is statistically the strongest first-year in the quadrant. He has the fastest time up the Gauntlet, hasn’t lost a single challenge, and is bonded to an exceptionally strong Red Daggertail. Any squad would be lucky to have him, and he’s all yours, Aetos. You can thank me when you win the Squad Battle in the spring.”

Liam steps into formation behind Violet, taking Penley’s place.

“I. Do. Not. Need. A. Bodyguard,” Violet repeat, a little louder this time. I smiled, she could give two fucks  to who ever hears her. I've never seen anyone other than myself standing up to Xaden like that. Not even the bitchy Jane of Second Wing could talk to him that way.

One of the first-years behind me gasps, mortified by her audacity, no doubt. I laughed.

Imogen snorts. “Good luck with that approach.”

Xaden walks past Dain and stands directly in front of her, leaning into her space, then he points back to the blond Tyr. What is he saying?

Violet's fists clenched.

The fuck are they talking about?

“Fucking mated dragons,” Dain seethes, keeping his eyes forward.

Oh wow, what's going on with their wing?

Fitzgibbons finishes his announcements and steps to the back of the dais, which would usually signal the end of formation, but Commandant Panchek takes the podium. He makes it a habit to avoid morning formation, which means something is up.

"What do you know?" Jane, ever the nosy one in our group, directed the question to me. I'm pretty sure Alexis, her Section Leader, muffled a snort.

"What the hell do I know? I just noticed hell's released its wrath unto the fourth wing. They were arguing." I replied lowly as to not be heard.

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