Chapter Four

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Happy New Year everyone!!

It is my opinion that of all the signet powers riders provide, mending is the most precious, but we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent when in the company of such a signet. For menders are rare, and the wounded are not.

—Major Frederick’s Modern Guide for Healers

"Why didn't you yield as soon as you were down you idiot!" I scolded Violet as Dain rushed her to the Healers, my hands folded at my chest as I frowned.

Dain carried her through the lower, covered passage out of the Riders Quadrant, over the ravine, and into the Healer Quadrant. It’s basically a stone bridge, covered and sided with more stone, which pretty much makes it a suspended tunnel with a few windows, but I'm not thinking clearly enough to take it in as we rush through, his strides eating up the distance. Luckily, my legs aren't that short so I kept up with him.

“Almost there,” he reassures her, his grip firm but careful on Violet. This girl will be the death of both of us while we're here. If she's gonna be this stubborn and not yield when everyone's screaming at her to, I'll find someone with mind control signet to control her.

“Everyone saw you lose it,” I whisper at Dain, if they get sign of his affections Violet will be in more danger than she is at already, she'll be ridiculed.

“I didn’t lose it.” He kicks the door three times when we reach it.

“You shouted and carried me out of there like I mean something to you.” Violet then butted in as she focused on him.

“You do mean something to me.” He kicks again.

And now everyone knows. I sighed and bit my inner cheek. It looks like I'm in for some babysitting a couple of love birds at my last year here at Basgiath.

The door swings open and Winifred if I remember correctly, stands back so Dain can carry Violet in. “Another injury? You riders certainly are trying to fill our beds to— Oh no, Violet?” Her eyes fly wide.

It's not like we want to be put in your infirmary anyways.

“Hi, Winifred,” Violet manage over the pain.

“This way.” She leads us into the infirmary, a long hall of beds, half of which are full of people in rider black. Healers do not have magic, relying on traditional tinctures and medical training to heal as best they can, but menders do. Hopefully Nolon’s around tonight, I heard he’s been mending Violet for the last five years.

The signet of mending is exceptionally rare among riders. They have the power to fix, to restore, to return anything to its original state—from ripped cloth to pulverized bridges, including broken human bones. Brennan, was a mender—and would have become one of the greatest had he lived.

He'll probably be healing Violet if he's not dead. He would take good care of her. Her and Mira.

Dain gently lays the girl onto the bed Winifred brings us to, then she leans into the edge of the mattress. She strokes a weathered hand across Violet's forehead. “Helen, go get Nolon,” Winifred orders a healer in her forties walking by.

“No!” Dain barks, panic lacing his tone.


The middle-aged healer glances between Dain and Winifred, clearly torn. She looked at me, why I do not know, but I smiled at her.

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