Chapter 8

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A/n: she finally updated after so many years, yup, I know. I'm sorry I've not updated but I got crazy busy with life ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ. Btw, happy new year loves (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡


With my hand lightly touching the small of her back, I follow Hanni's lead into her building, up two flights of stairs, and down a hall until she stops in front of a door.

"Here we are." She unlocks it and pushes it open. "Sorry it's kind of a mess," she says as she flicks on the light. "I've been crazy busy."

I glance around her living room with curiosity. The plush green couch looks like it could swallow people whole, and it's strewn with throw blankets and pillows in jewel tones and bohemian patterns. Framed landscape panoramas and art nouveau prints hang on the walls. And of course, a large bookcase dominates the far side of the room, overflowing with books of all shapes, sizes, and jacket colors.

Overall, the eclectic decor isn't necessarily what I would have guessed, but it suits Hanni. I can see why she likes it. Cozy, soft, inviting ... I might even use the word cute. It's a far cry from the sleek, hypermodern aesthetic of my penthouse. Compared to this, my place feels uncomfortably sterile instead of elegant.

"I don't see any mess," I reply truthfully. Sure, there's some clutter, but it makes the place feel lived-in. Like somewhere people go to feel at home, not just to sleep.

She chuckles. "That's nice of you to say. Do you want anything to drink?" She bends down to slide off her boots and drops them in the tray by the entry closet.

"No thanks." I start to take off my shoes too, and am struck with sudden nerves.

This is it, I think, my heart rate picking up. When we first met, I wondered how Hanni was still single, and now that we've gotten to know each other better, I still have no fucking idea. She seems like the total package—not just gorgeous but smart, funny, and cool. Utterly magnetic. And after all our talking about sex, I'm finally getting my hands on her, getting inside her. I've been half-hard since last night from anticipation alone.

For the first time since high school, I feel unsure of myself. This isn't exactly a conventional post-date scenario. How should I initiate? Are we going to ease into intimacy, maybe sit on the couch and talk first? Or will we just cut to the chase and hop right into bed?

"Okay, then." Hanni takes a few steps across the living room, then pauses to glance back at me. "Are you ready now?"

That answers my question. If she wants to get straight to the main event, I'm not complaining. "Absolutely," I reply with a grin.

We continue through the hall and into the bedroom. But instead of turning on the light, the shadow beside me that is Hanni moves around in the dark. I hear fabric rustling—she's getting undressed? What the hell? I frown in disappointment. I wanted to see all of her, and I never would have pegged her as the shy type.

I feel the wall for the light switch, find none, and grope around blindly. Hanni steps away. Bedsprings creak, followed by more rustling. My hand hits a lamp and I click it on.

Hanni is in bed, lying on her back under the sheets, not even looking at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, trying not to sound exasperated.

All she says is, "Come on. Turn that off and get in."

Starting to get annoyed, I click the bedside lamp back off and strip as fast as I can, dropping my clothes on the floor since I can't fucking see to put them anywhere else.

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