Chapter 22

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After my weekend spent with Minji, it's back to reality. My eyes are only slightly puffy from my sob-fest last night, and thankfully So-Han doesn't seem to notice. I've been staring at my computer screen for the last hour, trying to work up the courage for what I know I need to do.

Slowly, my stomach churning, I dial the number that that prick Taek left me at the bottom of all his relentless emails and letters. After months of refusing to dignify his offer with a response, I can't deny the truth any longer. My little store is failing. It's been two years and I've barely kept my head above water, let alone grown The spark into a successful business.

In another universe, I might keep fighting until my last dollar evaporates. But here and now, with a baby on the way, I have no choice but to grow up. I won't watch my savings dwindle much lower, and I have to make the responsible decision and go back to my old unfulfilling-but-reliable job. My future family will need a steady income ... no matter how much it hurts to give up the dream I've cherished for over a decade.

I tamp down my wounded pride and press the Call button.

"Youread Books acquisitions department, this is Min Young, how may I help you?" chirps a young female voice.

"Hi," I reply, wishing I was doing literally anything else. Like maybe getting poked in the eye with a sharp stick. "Can I speak to Mr. Taek Shin?"

"Who may I say is calling?" she asks.

"Hanni Pham. I want to talk to him about ..." I swallow the knot in my throat. "Selling the Spark."

After a brief pause, she says, "I'll transfer your call."

"Thanks, Min Young." As miserable as I am, I can't hold this against her.

"You're very welcome. Have a nice day." A click follows as she puts me on hold.

"I'm afraid that's impossible," I mutter into the brief interval of empty static. I wonder if Min-Young even knows who I am. I don't know which is worse—my pain being common knowledge at their office, or the thought that I might be just one insignificant drop in a sea of faceless deals.

Soon, a nasally male voice answers with, "Taek shin speaking."

God, he sounds even more obnoxious than I imagined. I repeat my reason for the call, each word a fresh little stab in the gut. At least his tone isn't too smug when he says, "I can set up a meeting as soon as tomorrow at nine. Does that time work for you?"

None of this bullshit works for me, but I guess it's better to rip the bandage off as quickly as possible and get it over with. "Yes, I can do that," I reply. I make a mental note to call So-Han and ask her to watch the store ... while I sell it out from under us. Fuck.

"Great," Taek says. "I'll reserve a conference room for us to discuss the sales contract. Just stop by my secretary in the morning and she'll direct you."

"Okay, thanks. See you tomorrow." I hang up and grab a pint of butter pecan ice cream from the freezer in the break room to try drowning my sorrows in sugar.

• • •

As I turn in to the parking lot the next morning, I realize that this is the same office building as the sperm bank. I got the address off youread website at the last minute, and I didn't notice that the addresses were identical except for the suite number. But I'm in too much turmoil to care about the odd coincidence. I park and walk to the entrance, then pause, trying to will myself to step through those imposing glass doors.

God, I hate this. I don't want it, I can't ...

I steel myself with monumental effort. There's no other way. I have to make this sacrifice for my baby's sake. I will not run away. I will not cry. Taking a deep, shaky breath, I walk inside to sell off a piece of my heart.

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