Chapter 23

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Still reeling from the truth, I dismiss Taek and my legal team back to their desks and shut myself in my office. The image of Hanni's face—outraged, betrayed, wounded—is seared into my mind. I had no idea she owned the downtown location we're trying to buy.

I barely understand how this all happened, let alone know how to repair the damage. I desperately need advice. And at this point, it's way too late and too difficult to explain this whole complicated story to my family. So I call the only other person in my life who already knows.

"Hey, Bear, how you doing?" Haerin answers after a few rings.

"Pretty bad, to be honest," I say as I pull at my tie. "Do you have time to talk now?"

"Hmm ..." A faint creak resonates over the phone, probably from her leaning back in her desk chair. "I shouldn't, but I've been beating my head against this case all morning and I need a break anyway. What's up?"

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, thinking of where to begin. Once I'm composed, I explain everything while Haerin listens patiently. The baby we made. The weekend trips we had. The tapas. The moment I realized it wasn't just sex. Today.

When I'm done, she lets out a long, heavy breath that mirrors my own. "You're a total idiot."

"I know." I groan. "I fucked up royally, and now I have no idea what to do. Is there even any way to fix this mess, or—"

"Isn't it obvious? Get your ass over to her place right now, apologize like you've never apologized before, and tell her you love her."

I blink. Love. She's right. I love Hanni. Shit. When did this happen? "Why would she give a fuck how I feel about her? Why would she even listen to what I have to say at all? She thinks I've known about this since day one, but I was just as fucking shocked as she was when she walked into the conference room."

"You have to at least try."

"She thinks I knocked her up without telling her I was trying to drive her out of business," I say, spelling it out for her. "Weren't you listening? If I were her, I'd slam the door in my face."

"It was all an honest misunderstanding. Incredibly stupid, but honest. Just explain yourself like you did to me and beg for another chance. You do want another chance, right?"

I rub my forehead. "More than anything."

"Well, there you go. Even if she doesn't return your feelings, you can try to part on good terms, or at least non-homicidal terms. And if she feels the same ..."

"Then it still wouldn't work. My career is in the way. I wouldn't be able to be there for her like she and the baby needs."

"Calm down. It's not like having two working parents will scar a kid for life. Danielle and I have—"

"But having a CEO for a parent will," I almost shout. "You don't get it, Haerin, this job eats families. I saw it happen up close when I was a kid. My relationship with Hanni would fall apart like my parents' did, and I can't inflict that same pain on her."

"Wait, what?" Haerin sounds totally bewildered. "Is that why you think your parents were so fucked up? Youread Books?" She lets out an odd bark of disbelief.

My jaw tightens. "You're seriously laughing right now? I have a real problem here, dick."

"You're right, your big impressive dick started this whole problem, remember. I'm not laughing ... sorry. Listen, I try not to psychoanalyze people, but clearly you needed some friendly meddling a long time ago. From everything you've told me about your parents, I think it's safe to say there was a lot more wrong with their marriage than just your dad's job."

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