Chapter 12

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Late at night, I toss and turn, restless and horny. What I usually do in these situations is jack off, but breaking my promise to Hanni isn't an option. I have to keep my hands off my dick, no matter how hard things get ... pun very much intended.

I roll over to grab my phone from the nightstand, check my calendar, and suppress a groan of impatient despair. It's only been a week since her period ... it'll be at least that long before she's due for her next impregnation attempt. And I didn't get off the last time I saw her either. Which makes it about two weeks since I've had any release. I didn't quite realize how stressed out I would be ignoring my cock.

No way in hell can I wait out that whole time. I need to see Hanni ahead of schedule. But calling her at this hour is out of the question—I'd just wake her up and piss her off. I also shouldn't bug her while she's at work tomorrow. I decide to wait until the next evening. Surely, I can make it through just one more measly day at the office, right?

Yeah, about that.

All through the next morning, I struggle to keep my mind on my work. It just keeps sliding off the dry memos and reports and graphs into longing, pornographic thoughts of Hanni. What's she doing right now? Does she still want me? How long will it be until she calls for me again?

My control frays thin ... then, around lunchtime, finally snaps. Fuck it. I give up. I can't take this anymore. I buzz Sullyoon to tell her to hold all calls and visitors for fifteen minutes, then pull out my phone to call Hanni. I drum my fingers on my desk while it rings and rings.

Finally, she picks up. "Minji?" she asks, sounding distracted. "What's going on?"

I guess this is the first time I've called her instead of texted, let alone in the middle of the workday, but I did it because I need a response as soon as possible. "Yeah, it's me. Listen ... what are you doing tonight?"

"Why?" Skepticism colors her voice.

Casually, I reply, "Just wondering if you're up for another date night."

A long pause, during which the already minimal background noise fades completely. She must have retreated to privacy. "This is a booty call?" she asks, now with a trace of what I hope is curiosity, but I think is actually annoyance.

Yep, this conversation clearly isn't going at all the way I wanted it to. I rub the back of my neck. "Well, I wouldn't have picked those exact words, but sure."

"It's the middle of the day. I'm at work ... actually, aren't you too? Why did you booty-call me now?"

I shrug, even though she can't see me. "Why do you think? Booty calls have a pretty specific purpose."

"Okay, everybody stop saying booty call. I'm asking because my next ovulation isn't for a while yet, and assuming you have a calendar, you already knew that. So, not that I'm offended by the offer or anything, but I just can't figure out why you want to fuck me."

I almost laugh. Why would I ever not want to fuck her? Wait ... I have an inkling of what's going on here. "Did you forget what we talked about the last time I saw you?" She was practically falling over, so she might have been too drunk to remember the details of our conversation.

"Uh ... maybe?" A rustle in the background, like she's looking through papers. "Sorry. Can you be more specific?"

I hold back a laugh. Even as organized as Hanni is, this is definitely not the type of thing she would have written down. "When you were drunk, you told me that the only way I was allowed to come anymore was inside you."

She's dead silent for a minute. "What?" she finally replies, slow and flustered. "N-no way did I say that."

"Oh, but I remember it perfectly." I'm smirking, despite my overwhelming need. I can't resist the chance to mess with her a little. "You interrogated me about how often I masturbate, and then ..." I repeat her exact words back to her, low and dirty. "All of your orgasms belong to me. Anytime you need to relieve pressure, you're only allowed to use my pussy."

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