Chapter 8

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~flashback also note this is around 2009 so teagan is about 4~

Im sitting on the floor coloring.

"Granny when is daddy coming back?" I ask.

"Soon peanut soon." She tells me.

"But I want him now!" I say getting angry.

"Hes not home." she says to me patiently. I start screaming and crying. As I am throwing a tantrum I feel someone pick me up. I try to break free. 

"What's wrong sweet girl?" I hear my dad's calm voice. I immediately stop and calm down.

"Missed you daddy." I say snuggling into him.

"That still doesnt explain why you were yelling at granny." He tells me.

"Didn't mean to daddy just wanted you. I'm sorry granny." I say to them.

"I forgive you peanut. Now I got to go my babies." she says to us.

"Thank you mom" my dad says. He sits on the couch and just rubs my back. "Just go to sleep I got you."

~end of the flash back~

"Teagan are you ok?" my grandmother asks.

"Hmm yeah I'm good." I reply. 

"Well our food is ready can you go get Wyatt and Elliotte?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I say and go into the play place holding Bennet. "My babies it's time to eat."

They come down and we head back to the table. I place bennet in a highchair and sit Wyatt and Elliotte in the inside of the seat. Granny gets back and we pass out food. I feed Bennet a few of my fries that were soft in small bites. We finish eating then head to grannys house. I carry in Bennets car seat.

When we get in I set up a easy crib and put him in the crib and cover him with a blanket. I head into my room we had set up and I play with Wyatt and Elliotte until they fall asleep.

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