chapter 11

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We get on the plane and I'm nervous as fuck. Meeting my mom? Am I ready for this? When we get there a women is waiting on us. She has sort of darker features. Sierra Southworth but shes standing with some kid that's seems kind of my age.

"Who's that?" I ask nodding towards the boy.

"Sierra I thought we agreed that we wouldn't bring him until after we talk to her." My dad says.

"Tell me what." I ask

"His school let them get off early it's not my fault." Sierra says.

I look at the boy. "Do you know what they are talking about?" I ask. He shrugs.

"My mom just told me that we were gonna meet my bio dad and there was going to be a surprise there." He says. I pull him off to the side while my dad and Sierra have a whisper argument.

"When's your birthday." I ask him.

"July 8th why." he says (If anyone knows the date when travis first went to taylors game tell me please so i can fix it)

"Sierras your mom right" I say

"Yeah." He nods

"Oh my god i think we are siblings." I say

"that would make since why there are baby picture of another kid in a photo album." he says.

"i dont think i want to be around them right now do you want to uber to get food?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure my names Tyler." He says. I order us a uber and we go to a McDonalds.

"My names Teagan." i reply

I text my dad.

~hey just wanted to let you know me and Tyler are going McDonalds yes my life 360 on. we will go back to sierras house later love you~

I send the text and a couple minutes later we arrive. I thank the uber. We go inside and order our food I go to pull out my wallet but Tyler pays for it before I can.

"Thank you." I say. We wait and just talk about how we are.

i get a response from my dad. ~ok sweetheart be safe~

After McDonalds we go to a park and stay there for a hour and a half. Just talking I take a photo of us hanging out together to post on my Instagram when we get back home.

"What if maybe during Christmas break you come to kansas city and we could hang out again?" I say

"Yes I would love that." He replies. We uber near home and then walk the rest of that way so the people didn't know where we lived. When we get in Sierra starts yelling at Tyler.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

"Out." I tell her. My dad comes up and hugs me.

"Hey their ok Teagan texted me." Travis says.

"Oh and you couldn't tell me about that earlier?" Sierra asks.

"Well I'm tired so im going to bed where am I sleeping." I ask.

"Here I'll show you." Sierra says and shows me to my room.

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