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The next day, as soon as Jeon's office work ended, he let out a sigh of relief. Jeon quickly changed his clothes inside his snazzy car, imagining himself with the grace of a gazelle.

Quickly arriving at the studio, he greeted Hobi and Jm, who decided to accompany his husband. Jeon couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

"Hobi, my man! I'm ready to boogie," Jeon exclaimed with a wink, not wanting to be suspicious.

Hobi's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Oh, I know you're ready, Jeon. But first, show us that fancy footwork!"

"Uh, actually, I just remembered I need to, uh, use the washroom. Be right back!" He says, scratching the back of his neck.

Hobi nodded his head. "Sure, take your time. We'll wait for you."

With his heart pounding, Jeon made a beeline for the outside. The washroom excuse was just that—an excuse. His real motive was to find a certain someone who set his heart ablaze: his Yoongi.

As Jeon scanned the area, his eyes suddenly fell upon a figure. It was Yoongi, the object of his affection. Jeon's face lit up like a Christmas tree as he watched Yoongi from behind the glass walls, teaching kids some music.

The way Yoongi played the piano, his fingers gliding effortlessly across the keys, stirred something deep within Jeon.

But his smile quickly faded when his eyes caught sight of Yoongi's neck. A small bruise was visible from afar, as if someone had gripped him too tightly. Jeon gritted his teeth and cursed Taemin under his breath.

Determination fueled his anger, and Jeon vowed to himself that he would make Taemin pay. He wanted to protect Yoongi, to be the one who would wipe away his tears and hold him close. Today, he would finally teach Taemin a lesson he wouldn't forget.

Jeon's fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. The fire of revenge burned within his chest as he plotted his next move. He would make Taemin feels the pain, which Yoongi had felt.

As the last note of the piano resonated through the air, the children erupted into applause. Yoongi's heart swelled with pride as he basked in their adoration. But then his eyes falls on glass wall, and he saw Jeon.

With a gentle glint in his eye, Yoongi raised his hand and waved at Jeon, a smile dancing on his lips. Jeon's face reddened like a ripe strawberry as he returned the gesture, trying to play it off cool, but failing miserably.

The room was filled with a sweet tension, an unspoken connection humming between them. Yoongi's heart beat a little faster as he watched Jeon retreat, pretending nonchalance.

But deep down, Yoongi knew the truth - Jeon had been watching him.

Time Traveller [A Yoonkook Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now