A Kitten

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I know, stan admitted, I was an  idiot for not trusting you. I never ment to hurt you. As he said this he looked at Bill. Can we just start over? From a clean slate?

Bill smiled, of course Stan, I understand why you did what you did, you wanted to keep my pinetree safe.
Thank you Bill, said Stan tears formimg in his eyes as he walked over and hugged the very supprised dream demon. 
Um.. Grunkle Stan, may Bill and I go into town for a bit? We want to kind of catch up with each other.  Dipper said.
Of course, just don't get eaten by any mostorous creatures you seem to attract. Stan smiled.
Ok , Dipper grinned and raced out of the house with Bill.
Woah, there pinetree calm down. Bill laughed.

Dipper suddenly stopped and turned to look at Bill. So whadda you wanna do today?
Can we go get one of those loud bundles of furry cloth that breath, like Mabel showed me when I last saw her? Asked Bill eagerly.

Dipper looked confused for a seconed, then seemed to realize what Bill wanted. Bill, are you talking about a kitten? Dipper asked barley hiding a grin.
Yes!!! I would like a "kitten"! Bill yelped excitely.
Then we'll go get one, decided Dipper.

Hand in hand they walked into town. When the arrived there, Dipper immediatly saw Wendy and her daughter Noah who had short brown hair and blue-green eyes. They exchanged quick hellos and went on their way. On the far end of town Bill and Dipper found a pet shop run by Joey.G another friend of Dippers. 

"oh my goodness gracionias," he yelled,"is that your boyfriend Dippy?"
Yup said Bill and Dipper simutainiously.

"so Dippy, are you here to get a pet or just to flaunt your new boyfriend" Joey asked.
I want a kitten Dipper said

Joey led them over to a medium sized wicker basket where eight kittens sat.

"Well take your pick o the litter" Joey smiled, as Dipper picked up a yellow-orange kitten with black paws and a black chest marking. So did Bill.

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