Give me waffles or give me Stans fedorah.

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Dipper stood up and streached, making a sound similar to the one a fangirl makes when she is having a feels attack. Bill sat up chuckling.

"You're so cute."

Dipper blushed. "I am?"

Bill grinned and nodded. "Dipper you act like Doriti-" He breaks off laughing as the Kitten comes through the door wearing Stans fedorah. Bill walked over and plucked it off. Dorito mewed sadly as her toy was taken away.

"Where'd you get this you kleptomaniac kitten?" Bill teased.

The kitten didn't replay.

"Bill," Dipper whined.

"What pinecone?"

"'M hungrry!"

Bill chuckled. "You're always hungry." He picked up Dorito who perched on his shoulder and grabbed Dippers hand, leading him to out of the room. When they get to the stairs, Bill looks around warily for any more Costco boxes.

"Whatcha looking for babe?"

"One of those cardboard death traps."

"A what?"

"A rouge cardboard box."

Dipper smirks. "I know what I'm going to be for Holloween."

Bill puts on a fake pout. "Nooo!!! Dipper!!"

Dipper laughs and walks into the kitchen, grabbing waffles that Mabel left out.

"Why do they have holes in them?" Asked Bill cluelessly.

"To hold syrup."

"What's syrup."

"You don't know what syrup is?" Dipper giggles.


Dipper undoes the lid of the syrup and pours it over Bill's stack of waffles.

"Its really good, I promise."

Sometime later, a sticky dream demon and Dipper walked out of the kitchen, they had almost gotten to Dippers room When Grunkle Stan spotted Bill covered in syrup.

"You should shower Bill."

He nods, and politely asks Stan where the bathroom is. Stan directs him to a large bathroom attached to Dippers room. Dipper sits down in his huge beanbag and started to watch a new season Oh Attack On Titan.

7 Years Late (A Bildip Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now