Dance With Me

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Dipper decided to turn on Pandora while He waited for Bill to get out of the shower. The door creaked open and Dipper could hear Bill throw on clothing behind him. Just then the song Perfect by One Direction started to play. Bills hands cousin Dippers as he pulled him up and into his arms.
B-bill! Dipper gasped wrapping his arms around Bills neck as the dream demon started to sway and sing. He gently twirled Dipper under his arm and leaned down to kiss the pink cheeked boys lips as he dipped him backwards. Dipper gasped as Bill pulled him back to his feet and moved in so close that there was barley any space between them.

They both started singing as the last line came on.
Baby you're perfect so lets start right now.

7 Years Late (A Bildip Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now