Will You

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Timeskip: two years later

Bill and Dipper were still dating. They had had a few issues but in the end everything had worked out. Bill and Dipper were going out tonight and Bill had somthing special planned.

Dippers Pov

We are going out tonight. Bill said it would be special. Wonder what he ment. I still have to get dressed. I chose a red pair of chinos and a black t-shirt. I threw on
Dippppper Bill called from downstairs.
Coming!  I Yelled running downstairs

I tripped down the stairs and Bill caught me.
Woah there pinetree you almost went timber. He laughed
Oh shut up you dorito I laughed.
May I? Asked Bill holding out his arm. I blushed and took his arm.
Where are we going?  I asked.

Bill smirked. Places.
What Kind of places?
Placy places.

I laughed then pouted. Telll meeee!!!
I'll give you the last bag of your children.
You know, the Doritos...

Bill faked a look of pure fury.
You shall never eat Doritos ever again!

I stuck my tongue out at him as he led me down a wooded path away from the Mystery Shack and to a outcropping of jagged rocks overlooking the ocean.
Can you go grab some wood for the fire?

I ran into the woods to get some sticks And when I came back to the clearing Bill took my hands in his.
Dipper, I want to tell you that these past two years have been the happiest years of my existance. You were by my side through everything. When I met you, your first summer here I never imagined that I'd be standing in front of you like this and that you'd hold a place so close to my heat. Dipper I love you more than anything, your birthmark, the way you sound when your sleepy, the way your hair sticks up in the morning, and damn I love everything about you.

Suddenly Bill dropped to one knee and pulled out a black box with a beautiful ring inside.
Dipper Pines , will you marry me?

Happy tears sprung to my eyes amd I clapped my hands over my mouth as I nodded.
Yes, Bill, omigod yes.

He stood up sliding the ring onto the middle finger of my right hand and sweeping me into his arms he kissed me, as the sun set fell low on the horizen.

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