Dorito's POV

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I thought, streaching my back in a graceful arch of yellow and white fur, my tail curling lightly, why does the sun have to shine through MY window? I leapt softly off the edge of the windowsill onto the wooden floor of Bill and Dippers house. They had been away for days. I sighed and flopped over, my tail flicking as I whined, Mable had been giving me food, but I was BORED! I jumped up and raced to the kitchen table, sitting  on it because, why the heck not, I mean, it wasn't like Bill and Dippers were around any-....

The door clicked and I jumped with a startled little his as I scrambled to get off the table before Bill saw me up there. Dipper walked inside, but, something was a bit off, he was holding the hand of a small green eyed boy who couldn't have been more than six. 

I padded over, sniffing him curiously. He reached out slowly and Dipper nodded, while Bill shot me his, ifyoupullanythingyoudie look. I pureed and bridges his hand and he giggled softly sitting down on Dippers get and with surprising gentleness, eased me into his arms where I lay, licking his face before closing my eyes.

Suddenly, we were both being lifted up and asI lay cuddled against my little housemate I saw Bill's smile widen. He set us on a small bed, shutting off the lights and tucking us in.

"Night Magnus," he said.softly, sweeping Dipper into his.arms as he came over. "Keep him safe till morning illuminati cat."

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