Too Early

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This chapter is in honour of melitzaaa. Thanks a ton for reading my stuff!

Dipper woke up the next morning next to Bill who was still off in dreamland.
Poke Dipper said as he prodded Bill's cheek.
Whhhhaaaattt? Bill moaned, its too earlyyy.
Bill, its noon.
Still to early. Bill whined hiding under the covers.

Dipper grabbed the blanket and ran out of the room with it, as the sleepy dream demon tried to get it back he stepped into a cardboard box that was waiting at the foot of the stairs to the lower level of the Mystery Shack. He fell down hard on his rump and slid down the stairs screaming all the way down. It was just Bill's luck, however that Stan was on his way up the stairs as Bill was hurtling down them in a Costco box. Needless to say that Stan was not too pleased to be sitting in the former dream demons lap while hurtling down the stairs. He was especially not pleased when he went flying into Soos and was ricocheted into a fishtank full of eels. Bill ran upstairs like the devil was on his tail. When Dipper saw Bill, all fluffed out and scared like a cat he laughed. He laughed even harder when Bill showed him what had happened.
And those Dipper, are the perils of waking up.

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