Chapter 3

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(Val's POV)

I smile softly as I watch Bridget and Gristle stand at the altar.

I smile softly as I watch Bridget and Gristle stand at the altar

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Love is such a beautiful thing. And now that I stop to think about it, I wonder what it's like to experience something like that. Sure, I do get flustered easily. And that's something I can't control.

But maybe finding true love isn't really for me. I have so many responsibilities as the Peacekeeper of Music that I don't think I will have time for that kind of stuff.

I snap out of my daze when the priest steps forward. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the sweet, sweet love of Bridget-- hey, girl--- and Mr. Yummy-Tummy himself, King Gristle," she announces. "Now, falling in love is easy. We've all done it. I've done it a hundred times. Thousands, even, if you count that semester I spent abroad."

I stare in surprise, but I can't help but hold back my laughter. I might take her word for it...about love being easy. Who knows when I'll find it?

"Stop the wedding!" a voice shouts from up high.

We all turn around and see a troll standing on a roof in a heroic pose. He's wearing a brown leather jacket and skiing goggles. It's very difficult to try and see more of his features when he's up there.

"Uh, Bridget," King Gristle says with uncertainty. "Do you know this guy?"

"I can't remember all my suitors, Grissy," Bridget says to him.

The mysterious troll slides down a rope and grabs onto one of the balloons. He lands on the ground just near the front of the stairs. "Sorry, is this bad timing?" he asks while taking off his goggles and brushing himself off.

I hear Branch gasp quietly from beside me, which gets me even more confused.

"I'm just trying to find a troll named--" The troll screams in surprise when his eyes land on Branch. He runs over shouting, "Baby Branch!" And as soon as he says that, he's already up on the bench with us.

"Uh, you're making a mistake, stranger that looks similar to me. There's no Branch here," Branch says before crossing his arms.

"Look at you. You got so big." The troll walks up to Branch. "You're not a branch anymore. You're more like a trunk. Junk in the trunk," he says. He then unexpectedly slaps Branch's behind, causing him to wince.

"Ow!" Branch exclaims.

"I bet you I can still pick you up. Come on." In one swift motion, the troll lifts Branch into the air. But that was a bad idea because he started to struggle to keep him up, complaining about his back.

"Hey. Stop right there. You put my boyfriend down. Tell us who you are and what you want," Poppy steps in protectively.

The troll drops Branch and raises his hands in defense. "You're right. Totally rude of me. Didn't introduce myself." He adjusts his jacket and extends his hand out to Poppy. "I'm Branch's brother."

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