Meeting Mr. D ... You know exactly what I mean with the D.

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In the camp with demigods,

Dionysus, oh what a treat!

Sarcasm, my friend.


"Can you stop glaring !" Grover finally snapped.

It was morning now and Rhea didn't stop glaring at anything in particular, the girl went directly to the infirmary because it was the closest place to her and slept on one of the beds.

Chiron did not want to wake her up, for now, wise choice too.

"You're lucky I'm not putting my hands on anyone," Rhea said.

Grover sighed. "Come on. Chiron and Mr. D are waiting."

Rhea took the shoe box with the Minotaur Horn in it and ignored everything around her while she followed Grover, she can admire the art later, and her eyes caught Chiron and Mr. D.

Sheesh makes you wonder if Gabe was related to Dionysus somehow.

"That's Mr. D," Grover murmured to me. "He's the camp director. Be polite. The girl, that's Annabeth Chase. She's just a camper, but she's been here longer than just about anybody. And you already know Chiron..."

"Sup," Rhea said while waving at them.

"Ah, good, Rhea," Chiron said. "Now we have four for pinochle."

He offered her a chair to the right of Mr D, who looked at her with bloodshot eyes and heaved a great sigh. "Oh, I suppose I must say it. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. There. Now, don't expect me to be glad to see you."

"Don't worry being a pain in the ass for someone is the last thing I'll do...that was a lie," Rhea said.

Dionysus gave her a blank look.

"Annabeth?" Chiron called to the blond girl.

She came forward and Chiron introduced them. "Annabeth, my dear, why don't you go check on Rhea's bunk? We'll be putting her in cabin eleven for now."

Annabeth said, "Sure, Chiron." She turned to look at Rhea. "You drool when you sleep."

"And you're a creep for watching me sleep," Rhea said with a blasé tone.

Annabeth blushed in embarrassment and glared at her before huffing and walking away.

Rhea rolled her eyes.

"I must say, Rhea," Chiron said. "I'm glad to see you alive. It's been a long time since I've made a house call to a potential camper. I'd hate to think I've wasted my time."

Rhea raised an eyebrow. "House call?"

"My year at York Academy, to instruct you. We have satyrs at most schools, of course, keeping a lookout. But Grover alerted me as soon as he met you. He sensed you were something special, so I decided to come upstate. I convinced the other Latin teacher to ... ah, take a leave of absence."

"Ah~! Ok cool." Rhea shrugged.

Chiron did a double take. "That's it? You don't have any questions ?"

"I'll find out later anyways."

"Grover," Mr. D said impatiently. "Are you playing or not?"

"Yes, sir!" Grover trembled as he took the fourth chair.

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