What hides in a cold heart

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Rhea's heart unveiled,

Sorrows of the past unchain,

Emotions unveiled.


"Are you both playing the role of therapists today?" Rhea inquired.

"Something along those lines," Aidoneus replied, crossing his legs. "Considering your circumstances, it's necessary, especially with the recent impact on your mental well-being. Perhaps it's time for you to share your past experiences."

Rhea sighed inwardly, realizing that there were countless subjects to address and too many emotions to untangle. Observing her silence, Aidoneus chose a different approach.

"How about you tell me about your previous parents?"

Rhea took a deep breath, her voice trembled slightly as she replied, "My mother passed away when I was fifteen, and my dad was a piece of shit who abandoned us."

Aidoneus nodded thoughtfully. "You mentioned 'us' – does that refer to you and your mother, or was there someone else?"

"It's me and... my brothers."

"Alright, so you took care of your brothers. That's quite an admirable responsibility," Aidoneus commented.

Rhea scoffed at the notion. "You say that like it's a good thing."

"Is there a reason why you keep people at a distance? Is it because you're afraid they'll hurt you?" Aidoneus inquired. Rhea looked down and fidgeted with her hands. "You also maintain some distance from Tyson, although not many notice. Why is that?"

"Sibling trauma, I guess... Tyson is different, I know that! But I can't help but think, 'This is how it all started, and remember how it ended,' even though I know he isn't like that. That's why I try with him."

"Did your brothers do something terrible?" Aidoneus asked.

"Terrible?" Rhea scoffed at the choice of words. "Try horrendous! Atrocious! Disgusting even! Imagine raising your brothers like a mother, right after your mom dies and your dad abandons you at fifteen, only for them to... to..." She couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

Aidoneus paused for a moment, then continued, "Hmm. Rhea, let me ask you another question: Did you ever grieve?"

Confused, Rhea looked up. "Huh?"

"Did you grieve for what you lost, your anger, your sadness? Did you ever mourn your past life?"

"I... I never did," Rhea admitted.

Aidoneus closed his eyes briefly. "I see. That explains a lot. I won't pressure you for an answer, but it's clear that whatever they did was unforgivable," he said, studying her. "They abandoned you, didn't they?"

Rhea realized that it was finally time to reveal everything. How long had she kept it all bottled up? If she were to count, it had been exactly forty years, spanning both this life and her previous one.

"...I wish those were the only things that had happened," Rhea began, drawing a deep breath. "I used to believe I had the perfect family. I was foolish, naive, an idealistic girl who saw the world through rose-coloured glasses. I was overly optimistic, and people exploited that. It's easy to target kind-hearted individuals, you know? Just shed a few tears, feign helplessness, and they come rushing to your aid. I used to be that kind of person. It's hard to imagine, considering how I am now."

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