Some Funny Moments (PT 2)

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Nico wanted to get out of here...



But he couldn't move damn it!

"Nico?" Rhea's voice echoed in the house. "You good buddy \?"

Nico did not dare to move less the orange monstrosity decided to claw his eyes out.

"Nico~" Rhea opened the door and raised her eyebrow at the scene. "Huh, I was wondering where Kayden went."

"Get him off of me ... please." Nico tilted his head back when the cat decided to sniff his chin.

Rhea smirked. "He loves you."

"No, he does not!!!"

Kayden yawned and stretched before he laid back down on Nico's chest again, purring like a motor.

"I will get the camera."



"Alright this is an easy question, you can't lose points on this one," Annabeth said while pointing at the homework paper. "What are the three stages of life."

"Birth," Grover said.

"What the fuck is this shit." Rhea continued.

"Death." Nico finished.

"..." Annabeth sighed. "...True."

They wrote the right question five minutes later.


Someone, please explain how.

How in the world is she able to pick up a trident that weighs tons, push a boulder, smash a boulder with a punch and yet...

She struggles to open a jar of pickles of all things !!!!

"Give me," Poseidonas said.

Rhea gave him a look of surprise. "Wow, this is a first!" She passed him the jar of pickles.

Except he did not open it as she thought he would do, oh no what he did was shut it tighter and put the jar in front of her before he returned to the trident as if nothing happened.


Poseidonas is a petty bitch.


"Sometimes I praise Rhea for her intelligence ... and other times I wonder where the brain cells of the day went." Aidoneus sighed as he summoned another bottle of wine.

Poseidonas extended his own glass.

Both of them sat back to watch the drama unfold while drinking wine.


Rhea <- eating a blue mochi.

Poseidonas <- stares at the mochi.

Rhea <- notice him staring at the mochi.

"Here take a bite." She said as she extended her hand to bring the mochi close to the blond's mouth.

Poseidonas opened his mouth and took a bite, Rhea's eyebrow twitched as she looked at the small piece left in her hand.



"You ever slept on the back of an orca?" Rhea suddenly asked.

Annabeth stopped writing and turned to Rhea. "...No."

"Well, I did once and I found myself on one of the beaches of Florida, it was the best sleep I got in my entire life, and it was fun too!" Rhea grinned.

Annabeth took a deep breath. "Here's a question ... why did you sleep on an orca's back?"

"I was playing with them, but the back of the bigger one was comfortable and I just." Rhea shrugged. "You know, slept."

Annabeth pinched the bridge of her nose.


Poseidonas <- resting his eyes relaxing.

Rhea <- thinks he's asleep and puts a blanket on him before walking away.

Poseidonas <- sneaks a peak before closing his eyes again.


Rhea walked up to Sally. "Mom, hypothetically speaking if I get married—"

Sally sucked the air between her teeth. "That poor soul."

"... MA!!"

Sally wheezed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was a reflex."



"Whoever decided that French is the language of love should fuck themselves sideways—" Rhea started.

The Aphrodite cabin was about to open their mouth and say their mother already does that.

"—With a cactus."


Rhea crossed her arms. "I personally think it's Spanish and Italian, they rizz better than French."


Aidoneus frowned while looking at what Rhea was eating. "What are you eating?"

"Takoyaki," Rhea responded. (Japanese Octopus Balls)

Poseidonas and Aidoneus gave her a look.

"No wait ... cow ... yaki?"


"I forgot the Japanese word for beef !" Rhea frowned. "This is beef yaki ugh! Beef ... cow balls???"

Aidoneus snorted.

Poseidonas gave her a blank look. "Gyuniku beef, Ushi cow."

"... Is Gyuyaki even a thing?"


"What is the first thing you notice when a boy tries to flirt with you?" Annabeth asked.

Rhea deadpanned. "The audacity."


"Did you know that the Apollo kids are always awake at the very ass-crack of dawn not because they are the 'children of the sun' bullshit but because Apollo blasts heavy annoying music from the sun chariot that only his kids can hear to make sure they wake up on time to see him in all his ass-holish glory pass by camp every morning?" Rhea said.

Annabeth turned to look at her. "Are you serious?"

"Ask Lee, I didn't believe it either at first."

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