Three Hearts In One Strike

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Dousing fiery steeds,

Geryon's reign now recedes,

Sea ends his deeds.


"Where are odour-blocking masks when you need them." Rhea pinched nose.

Oh, this was horrible!

"Come inside! Eat you! Tasty half-blood!"


""" Seafood!"""

Rhea sighed and punched one of the horses in the teeth when he tried to take a bite, she took out her trident the tip of the blade started to leak water, she extended it to one of the horses who put his mouth closer to the water coming from the trident and recoiled.

"Yuck!" He said. "Salty!"

Rhea smirked. "Heh, eat this sucka!"

The next thing that came from the trident was a pure powerful water pressure big enough to drown anything in front of it. Rhea made sure to hit the horses in the face too whenever some tried to talk.

"Stop, lady !" A horse cried. "Stop, please!"

Water was sloshing everywhere now. The horses were drenched, and some were panicking and slipping in the mud. The poop was completely gone, tons of it just dissolved into the earth, and the water was now starting to pool, trickling out of the stable, making a hundred little streams down toward the river.

Rhea stopped the water as the pain in her gut started to build up. In front of her was a shiny clean horse stable, a field of wet salty mud, and fifty horses that had been scoured so thoroughly, that their coats gleamed. Even the meat scraps between their teeth had been washed out.

"We won't eat you!" The horses wailed. "Please, lady! no more salty baths!"

"Sure, but here are my conditions, you shall only eat the food your handlers give you from now on. Not people. Or I will come back and drown you to death understood?!" Rhea glared at them, making sure that they understood that she was not kidding.

The horses whinnied and made a whole lot of promises that they would be good flesh-eating horses from now on, Rhea didn't stick around to chat. The sun was going down. She turned and ran full speed toward the ranch house.


She smelled barbecue before she reached the house.

The deck was set up for a party. Streamers and balloons decorated the railing. Geryon was flipping burgers on a huge barbecue cooker made from an oil drum. Eurytion lounged at a picnic table, picking his fingernails with a knife. The two-headed dog sniffed the ribs and burgers that were frying on the grill.

Tyson, Grover, Annabeth, and Nico were all tossed in a corner, tied up like rodeo animals, with their ankles and wrists roped together and their mouths gagged.

"Yo! I cleaned the stables!" Rhea said.

Geryon turned. He wore an apron on each chest, with one word on each, so together they spelt out: KISS—THE—CHEF. "Did you, now? How'd you manage it?"

"Does it matter?" Rhea raised an eyebrow. "Since I know that you aren't keeping your part of the deal because I didn't bind you to an oath and yada yada we shall go right to the fight, so...pick a weapon." She drew her trident.

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