Fun Facts

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-Rhea reaches Poseidonas shoulder, she's at least 170cm tall (and still growing).

-She likes to play chess with Poseidonas, Aidoneus, and the Athena Cabin.

-Rhea reads a lot of books, to the point that some people at camp start to think that she just has to have at least some Athena ichor in her with how much she reads.

-Rhea can be mistaken for a daughter of Aphrodite (happened before she got claimed), some of the Aphrodite kids are actually bummed she isn't their sister, but the other half wants to date her.

-In her past life she was allergic to all kinds of fish.

-Rhea is more motherly to the kids that are 11 years old and under.

-She can play the lyre and violin, and she can actually sing, she can also draw.

-She has a habit of playing with Aidoneus' hair whenever she stands behind him while he's sitting on the sofa (he finds it relaxing and cute).

-Although she doesn't seem like a girly girl, she is actually a huge fashion lover and uses the Casino Card to this day to buy clothes since that thing is a magical infinite debit card.

-Her long black hair is the most precious part of her body.

-Rhea hates using makeup, the only things she uses are eyeliner and lip-gloss/lipstick, since she is already naturally beautiful she doesn't see the need to enhance anything with makeup, but she isn't going to go around and talk about how girls should be all 'natural' -like some busy bodies that "aren't like other girls"-.

-She likes to go treasure hunting in the sea and bring all kinds of stuff that was lost there, she exchanges most of the things for money to raise the funds for Camp Half-Blood.

-She doesn't use the camp showers, she goes and takes baths with the nymphs and naiads in the forest at camp, hence why they call her 'Lady'.

-When the nymphs and naiads have problems they go to Rhea for help.

-She's an introvert and prefers to stay in her corner unless spoken to, it's also the reason why everyone is so intimidated by her, she just radiates an aura of authority and coldness which makes her seem unapproachable.

-Some of the campers call her the 'mom of the camp' because of how much she pleases the kids.

-Her favourite Apollo child is Will and that is because when she first came to camp and after the whole Luke fiasco, she hurt her hand, and he gave her a bandage for her 'boo-boos' (he was ten at the time).

-She has a great relationship with the Apollo cabin in general.

-Rhea knows how to knit, it was something that carried over from her past life.

-Although she doesn't hate all men, she doesn't trust them easily, there are only five men in her life that she let close to her, Poseidonas, Aidoneus, Grover, Nico, and Paul. (Loki is genderfluid so that doesn't count. And Tyson is too innocent in her eyes to be put on that list)

-She loves to cook, it's basically her love language, so if she gives you food to eat then be glad! You have been blessed she doesn't cook for just anyone!

-She has a deep love for felines.

-She loves the parties thrown in Valhalla because there is always something crazy going on.

-She actually hates dogs, but Cerberus and Mrs. O'Leary are an exception.

-Rhea loves wolves despite them being canines, she especially fell in love with Artemis's wolves and Fenrir.

-She doesn't like it when someone else gives a bath to Blackjack, they never use the right shampoo, and it messes with his fur.

-Rhea isn't really fond of physical contact, she rarely engages in them and rarely lets people touch her, but she lets it pass for some people (specifically Sally, Tyson, Annabeth, Nico, Grover, and Paul.)

-Never make a deal or a bet with her ... please just ... don't.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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