Part 3

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Damien slept all night when he woke up he woke up with Camilo hugging him from behind and his member was still inside him, he gently moved away and tried to get up but his legs instantly gave out. Camilo woke up at the sudden thump and saw Damien on the floor "Here let me help you" he gently helped Damien up and he sat him on the bed. Damien sat uncomfortably on the bed and he had this pouty look on his face. Camilo could tell he was upset with him "I'm really sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you. I accidentally knotted you and I marked you..." he felt guilty. Damien looked at him "what does that mean?" He said concerned. Camilo was surprised he didn't know a thing about omegas or alphas "well alphas tend to knot omegas during there rut to ensure that the omega gets pregnant...and marking is when an alpha basically claims an omega so that omega can't leave that alpha." Camilo explained and he put his hand on Damien's cheek.
Damien's eyes widened at the word pregnant and tears went down his face. Camilo hugged him "hey hey it's okay it's not a guarantee you might not get pregnant okay it's okay..." Damien hugged back before pushing him away "please just give me space..." Damien grabbed his clothes and got dressed "let's just keep our distance for now okay I need time to think..." Damien said softly. Camilo nodded and he let him go "you can stay here alright I'll sleep somewhere know where to find me if you need me..." Camilo got dressed before leaving the room. Camilo seemed to keep his word he didn't push Damien or try to talk to him even when meal time came around an omega would come and bring him his food. Damien stayed in Camilo's chambers most of the time the next few days were like this and days turned to weeks of not talking to Camilo. A storm at sea had set them back so it was gonna take a lot longer to get back to there home island for more supplies.
Damien moaned and sat up in bed before puking in a bucket beside his bed and he whined he was exhausted all the time recently. His body felt weird he couldn't explain it but he slowly got up and changed into clean clothes. Damien left the chambers to get fresh air it was morning and the sun was rising he had been getting along with an older omega named James that was a partner of one of the crew members so he went and sat with him. James smiled at Damien "you look exhausted, have you been sleeping okay?" James said with a small concern in his voice. Damien shrugged "I've been sleeping fine, I've been sleeping a lot actually" Damien said as he sighed. Camilo walked out with some of his crew and they were chatting and looking at a map, james looked at Camilo and then back at Damien he knew that something happened between them two but not any of the details. James handed Damien a piece of bread "eat you need your energy" he said softly. Damien went to take a bite but the smell of the bread made him nauseous and he went and thrown up overboard.
Camilo noticed Damien throwing up and he knew what this had meant. Camilo came over and stood beside Damien and gently rubbed his back "I'm sorry...I know you wanted space but, your scent has changed and your throwing're pregnant..." Camilo said softly and he let out a soothing pheromone. Damien's eyes widened and he looked at Camilo before hugging him, tears went down Damien's face. Camilo hugged him back while James watched, James realized what the situation was. Camilo pulled away and put his hands on Damien's cheeks "I'm here okay you have nothing to be scared of I will stay by your side, if you let me that is" Camilo said with a soft smile. Damien nodded and he gently kissed him he honestly missed his pheromones he missed Camilo in general. The thought of a baby inside him scared Damien to death but having Camilo there made that feeling slightly better "I'm sorry for distancing myself I thought it would make things better but I've been so miserable lately and my energy has been completely drained..." Damien said as he was still crying. Camilo kissed his head "no more crying okay and no more apologies from either of us. Let's just take one day at a time no more worrying"
Camilo put his hand on Damien's flat stomach he was a small person it did worry him the effect having a baby would have on him. Damien blushed when he put his hand on his stomach "I'm least I will be it's gonna take time to completely understand and come to terms with it but I'll be okay." Damien said with a small smile. James came over and gently patted his back "I can teach him everything he needs to know so he's prepared, I've had children before" James said to reassure Camilo. Camilo nodded "thank you" he nuzzled into Damien's neck as he hugged onto him "let's take you to my chambers so you can rest okay I'll bring you some food it's okay if you can't keep it down it's important to keep eating." Camilo said as he picked Damien up bridal style. Damien nodded and whined as he nuzzled into him.
Camilo brought Damien to his chambers and gently sat him down on the bed "i know all this is hard on you and it's all new and I feel really bad" Camilo said softly. Damien looked at him and gently kissed him "it's not your fault no more blaming yourself, I'm terrified i don't know the first thing about taking care of a baby. So all I need is for you to promise me that you will be by my side and don't leave my side..." Damien said looking Camilo in his eyes. Camilo smiled and nodded before kissing him "I will be by your side no matter what"

To be continued

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