Part 4

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        The next couple days Damien struggled with morning sickness but luckily they finally got to Camilo's home island, as soon as Damien got off the boat he puked on the docks. Camilo came over and rubbed his back "it's okay we'll be seeing a doctor in the village" Camilo kissed his head. Damien nodded and wiped his mouth off before hugging Camilo tightly "hold me..." he said with a small whine. Camilo smiled and he hugged him before picking him up like he's a pouting toddler "I'll carry you to the doctor okay?" Damien nodded and nuzzled into his neck enjoying his scent he felt very happy that this was his alpha and his mate.
        Camilo went to the village doctor he was also a mage so he could tell them exactly how everything was going with Damien's pregnancy, Camilo gently set Damien down onto his feet "hey doc this is Damien my...mate" Camilo said to the doctor. The doctor smiled "you have a mate? Is this the same person who would yell from the rooftops that he didn't need an omega" he teased a little. Camilo blushed and felt embarrassed "that was then alright..." Camilo held Damien's hand. The doctor smiled "what can I do for you two" he asked curious. Damien put his hand on his flat stomach "I'm pregnant..." Damien said looking down. The doctor looked at Camilo "alright let's just do a checkup" the doctor said with a sigh and motioned for Damien to lie on the bed. Damien listened and lied down he gently held Camilo's hand. Camilo smiled softly and looked at the doctor, the doctor gently lifted Damien's shirt and placed his hand on his stomach.
        The doctors hand was glowing blue and he was silent for a little while before looking at Damien "well you're definitely pregnant and the babies heartbeats sound fine." Camilo looked at him "babies? There's more than one?" He looked at Damien to see his reaction and tears were going down his face. Damien looked panicked and he cried out "i-i can't do this...Camilo I'm so scared, I was scared with just one baby I'm having more than one" Damien gripped onto Camilo. Camilo hugged him and he let out soothing pheromones "shhh it'll be okay." The doctor felt bad after he saw the reaction "the babies are healthy and it's completely normal for this to happen and as long as you're careful everything with your pregnancy should go smoothly it won't be any different than going through a pregnancy with one baby, the only difference is you'll be delivering a second baby after the first one. These babies are blessings" he said trying to calm the omega down. Damien sniffled and looked at the doctor "are you sure..." Damien asked softly. The doctor nodded and smiled.
        Camilo smiled and kissed Damien's cheek "do you have anything for morning sickness he's been puking a lot." The doctor nodded "i have some herb teas that might help let me go and grab them." The doctor left the room. Damien looked at Camilo "will i still look beautiful if I'm big?" Damien asked softly. Camilo put his hand on Damien's stomach "you will always be the most beautiful omega, in my opinion I think you will be very cute while pregnant with my babies." Camilo gently rubbed his stomach. Damien blushed and nodded with a soft smile. The doctor came back with the tea herbs "these should help so try to drink some one or twice a day." The doctor said with a smile. Damien nodded and got up before nuzzling into Camilo. Camilo smiled and he picked Damien up "we need to prepare for our next trip we'll be leaving later today and head back to your kingdom for treasure and after that we won't have to worry anymore until after the babies are born." Camilo said as he kissed Damien. Damien nodded and kissed back he put his hand on his stomach as his mate carried him.
Camilo brought him to his home, his home didn't look like it was much lived in because he was constantly at sea but it was a comfortable spot until they can get going again. Damien gently hopped out of Camilo's arms and sighed he sat on the old bed in the home "it's weird I keep throwing up and I'm constantly tired but i really don't feel very different" Damien said a little concerned. Camilo smiled and gently caressed his cheek "it's still early to feel anything love" Camilo said sweetly and bent down in front of him. Damien smiled softly as he looked at Camilo "I was locked up most my life i don't want our children to go through what I went through." Damien said softly. Camilo stared for a second before hugged him "I will never let that happen our children will be free and we won't hide them from the world ever even if they are omegas" Camilo said with determination in his voice. Damien chuckled a little and nodded he liked that his mate was so determined it made him feel slightly better about finding out he was having twins. Camilo sat beside him before pulling him onto his lap "you're the most beautiful omega in the world." Camilo said sweetly. Damien's face went completely red and he hid his face in the crook of Camilo's neck "I'm lucky to have you, I don't think I would be able to do anything if it weren't for you. You got me out of my room, you saved me" Damien said softly still hiding his face.
Camilo rubbed his back "you say that but I keep feeling scared that you will leave me..." Camilo seemed really sad when he said that. Damien pulled away and looked at him "why do you think I will leave?" Damien said with a concerned tone. Camilo gently put his hand on Damien's flat stomach "I got you pregnant and marked you when you were in your first heat I should've controlled myself and when you asked for space I thought you would never talk to me again." Camilo looked into Damien's eyes. Damien gently put his hand over Camilo's hand on his stomach "I was never going to leave you and don't think just because I'm pregnant is why I'm staying...I genuinely like you I may even be in love with you but I'm still new to these feelings. But you heard the doctor these babies are blessings." Damien said with a smile. Camilo blushed and kissed him deeply before pulling away "I love you so much words can't even describe how much I love you." Damien smiled and blushed as he gently nuzzled into him.

To be continued

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