Part 12

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The doctor looked really worried "Damien can you lay on your back for me?" The doctor asked. Damien nodded and he slowly lied on his back and gently lifted his shirt. The doctor gently put his hand on the bump and with magic took a look at Damien's condition "well good news the baby is healthy and fine the pain is just a result of the uterus stretching it's going to keep getting worse the farther you get along it's like pulling a muscle constantly over and over again." The doctor explained. Damien curled right back up after the doctor was done. Camilo was visibly upset "isn't there anything you can do to help him...he's suffering and he can't even get out of bed to play with our children..." Camilo gently rubbed Damien's back. The doctor sighed "there might be one thing...but it's a little risky. I know a spell that can make it so he doesn't feel pain at all. Why it's dangerous because if he were to seriously injure himself or even fall he wouldn't be able to feel the pain at all..." Damien grabbed the doctor "please just do the spell I can't do this for another four months..." Damien whined. Camilo nodded in agreement.
        The doctor nodded before he began chanting a spell a blue light circle appeared around the bed. Damien looked at Camilo his pain seemed to disappear from his face and he even smiled in relief. Camilo smiled and when the spell was over ran over to Damien "I'll protect you okay I'll keep you from any injury." Camilo said happily. Damien slowly sat up and hugged Camilo "I believe you...I want to see my children" Damien said softly. Camilo smiled and nodded before helping Damien up. Damien smiled as he stood and he gently kissed Camilo before walking outside to the kids and James. Joseph and Amira looked at Damien and their faces lit up in joy. They ran to Damien hugging him "Mama you're up are you feeling better?" Joseph said loudly. Damien chuckled and he slowly got on his knees and hugged the twins "I'm feeling so much better and I'll stay feeling better" Damien said softly. Camilo smiled and gently helped Damien back up and placed his hand on Damien's bump "be careful" Camilo said concerned. Damien chuckled "I'm okay don't worry" he kissed Camilo and the twins just kept hugging onto Damien's legs.
        Camilo smiled before picking up the twins "Mama is okay we still gotta be careful around him" he said to the twins. Joseph nodded "I'll keep mama safe!" Joseph yelled and Amira nodded in agreement. Damien smiled and kissed Joseph's and Amira's head "my brave boy and girl, how bout we go inside and daddy will make dinner" Damien said smirking at Camilo. Joseph and Amira cheered in excitement. Camilo smiled and walked back inside holding the kids along with Damien, he gently set the twins down and they ran off. Camilo looked at Damien with a smile as he gently pulled him close "look how beautiful my mate is carrying my pup" Camilo kissed him deeply. Damien blushed and hugged onto him "our pup hasn't stopped moving since the spell" Damien said with a smile. Camilo smiled big as he gently rubbed the bump "they are just happy they aren't causing you pain anymore" Camilo said happily. Damien nodded and he hugged onto Camilo "I'm feeling a little lightheaded..." Damien said softly. Camilo looked concerned and he just scooped him up and lied him on their bed. Damien whined and tried to get up right away "no I'm sick of being in bed..."
        Camilo gently held him down "I know I know but you might not be able to feel the pain but your body is still experiencing the pain and it's exhausted" Camilo said with a small growl since Damien wasn't staying still. Damien looked at Camilo as tears went down his face "this is your fault you stupid alpha!" Damien cried out it was obvious he was hormonal and he didn't mean in but he calmed down and turned away. Camilo smiled and gently kissed his shoulder "yes it's all my fault you can blame me all you want but it won't stop me from loving you and taking care of you" he said calmly. Damien turned to look at him before hugging onto Camilo's waist "being pregnant with the twins was so easy compared to this one...i feel like our baby hates me..." Damien whined. Camilo rubbed Damien's head "they don't hate you, they love you so much. We love them so much too" Camilo rubbed Damien's bump with his other hand. Damien slowly sat up and kissed Camilo "I do really love them...despite all the pain and nausea" he said sweetly. Camilo pulled him into his lap "you are so brave, more brave than I could ever be" Camilo gently held onto him. Damien nuzzled into him "but you're a pirate you've done a lot of brave things..." he said softly.
Camilo chuckled "more like reckless things, while I was almost dying as a pirate you're here now putting yourself in danger to bring a life into the world. So it makes you way more brave than me" Camilo caressed his cheek. Damien blushed and smiled his mate knew what to say to make him feel better. The kids walked into the bedroom and when they saw Damien in bed with Camilo they instantly bursted into tears "mamas sick again" Amira cried out. Damien quickly got up and hugged her "no no I'm not sick daddy was just being a little overprotective" Damien looked at Camilo with a soft smile. Camilo came over and picked up Joseph "our family is gonna be a family of five" Camilo said as if he couldn't believe it. Damien put his hand on his bump and looked at his mate "It because I married an alpha who isn't careful" he said jokingly. Camilo smiled and laughed a little "I promise I'll be careful from now on" he kissed Damien's head.

To be continued

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