Part 1

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        The ship creaked quietly as it pulled up beside the docks, ropes being thrown down to people waiting below and tying them to posts so it wouldn't float away. Once the ship was secure, their plan went into motion. About a dozen or so people jumped down onto the docks, quiet sneers and chuckles traveling through the group. The man that stood at the head of the group lifted a hand to quiet them, a smirk across his face.
        "Quiet, lads, stick to the plan and this'll be a piece of cake. Those royal jewels will fetch a fair price." He sneered, patting his sides to make sure his gun and sword were at the ready. "Alright, let's go." The group moved with practiced ease, silent as could be as they moved through the forest and towards the castle in the near distance. They scaled the stone walls of the castle, avoiding the guards just as they carefully planned out. Everything was going smoothly and soon enough, they were inside and standing in a long hallway. Around the corner stood the doorway that led to the room that held the jewels, or, that's what they had been told anyway.
        Two guards were stationed in front of the room, the captain, Camilo Black, peeking around the corner. He held his hand out behind him, one of his crew mates handing him a metal ball of sorts. The larger man smirked and carefully rolled it down the hall, watching it stop right in front of the guards. With a click, the ball exploded, the guards falling to the ground with two loud thuds. Camilo and his group cackled as they ran down the hall, stopping in front of the door. "This is it boys, we'll never need to steal again when we get these jewels. We can sell them at any price we want!" He cackled, gripping the door handles and pushing them open to reveal...a boy. The Captain stood there in disbelief, where were the jewels?!
        "Camilo, there's more guards coming!" One of his crew mates spoke up. They were all shocked of the lack of jewels, unsure of what to do now. This was not going according to plan. "Just...just grab him and let's go!" Camilo ordered with a growl, the alpha clearly enraged due to the fact they had been lied to. He stormed into the room and grabbed the omega by the back of his shirt, glaring at him with dark eyes "he's an omega." The larger male threw him over his shoulder. Damien squirmed and tried pushing him away "what do you think your doing." Damien said as they took him. He wasn't strong enough to get away he watched as they stole him away from the only home he knew. He stopped kicking by the time they got to the ship.
        Camilo took him to his chambers gently setting him on his bed before leaving the room. Camilo walked out to his crew "alright this is how things are gonna go, we are gonna question the boy he might know where the treasures are but we need to head back for more supplies so let's get a move on!" The large alpha said in anger. Damien curled up in a ball and hugged his knees he didn't know where he was or where he was going and he flinched when the door slammed open and the captain walked in. Camilo looked over at the prince "what the hell were you doing in that room I was told that was the room with the royal jewels." Camilo sat on the other end of the bed with about three feet of distance between them.
        Damien stayed silent and he was even releasing scared pheromones. Camilo chuckled and he gently reached over and caressed his head moving his hair from his face "you are very beautiful but, those pheromones won't effect me" Camilo said with a soft tone. Damien looked at him and he flinched at the alphas touch "my nickname is the royal jewel...I've been locked up there since my second gender was confirmed to be an omega..." Damien said softly still hugging his knees. Camilo's eyes widened hearing his nickname he was made to think the royal jewel was actual treasure not some omega prince "what's your name?" Camilo asked scooting closer. Damien moved away when he scooted closer and he continued to release pheromones "D-Damien...Prince Damien." He was scared it was all over his face.
        Camilo smiled he gently let out soothing pheromones, "it's okay I won't hurt name is Camilo, Camilo Black I'm the captain of this ship." Camilo said in a soft tone he seemed scary towards his crew mates but he was being so kind to Damien it seemed he had a soft spot for omegas. Damien enjoyed the soothing pheromones and his shaking body calmed down, he actually enjoyed the large alphas scent in general. Before he knew it he was hugging onto the alpha and he was inhaling his scent, he gently pulled himself away "I'm sorry I didn't even ask permission..." Damien said softly. Camilo smiled and pulled him in "it's okay you can smell my scent all you want" Camilo wanted to comfort this poor omega he felt bad hearing that he was locked up for so long.
        Damien stayed like that for awhile just inhaling his pheromones being locked up for so long it was obvious he didn't have much contact with alphas. He soon fell asleep and Camilo gently lied damien down on the bed before leaving, he got so caught up in the omega he forgot to question him about treasure in the castle. He left the small omega to sleep on his own as as soon as he walked out of his chambers his crew smelled the omegas pheromones on Camilo and even seemed to tease him a little about it. "Looks like you are getting along with the little omega" one of his crew members said joking. Camilo didn't take it as a joke and seemed stubborn "i don't know what your going on about but don't forget I am the captain and I can still throw you overboard" he said in an angry tone.

To be continued

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