Part 14

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        Damien didn't know what happened after he blacked out but he could tell the doctor put the pain relief spell on him again "Camilo?" Damien said with a slightly raspy voice. Camilo's eyes jolted opened and he quickly got up to hug him "thank goodness...I was so scared..." Camilo said as tears streamed down his face. Damien smiled and he gently pushed him away to see his face and the baby, he gently put his hand on his cheek "don't cry my love what if the kids see you they would burst into tears as well" Damien said with a chuckle. Camilo smiled before gently handing their new baby boy to Damien "what weren't at home you have rope marks on your wrist..." Camilo said as he gently pushed some of Damien's hair behind his ear. Damien's face went serious as memories flashed in front of him of what happened "o-Oliver...he took me...he wanted our baby or something because he couldn't have you...the last thing I remember was him saying I was bleeding a I'm guessing he took me here..."
Damien held the newborn tightly "he's not here is he..." Damien had a frightened look on his face. Camilo shook his head "no he's not and he will never be..." he hugged him and kissed his forehead. Damien looked down as the lively baby who was reaching up for Damien with big reddish brown eyes that looked like Camilo "we haven't even came up with a name for you" Damien said to the baby. Camilo gently let the baby grab onto his hand "actually I did while you were asleep if it's okay I want to name him Timothy." Camilo said cutely. Damien smiled and nodded "I love it. Welcome to the world Timothy" Damien kissed Timothy's head. Camilo gently rubbed Damien's head "my beautiful mate, I couldn't have asked for a better person as my mate." Camilo said lovingly. Damien blushed and giggled "even after delivering three of your children you say that." Damien said with a chuckle. Camilo nods "you are so strong" he squeezed his arm. Damien blushed more "that's enough with the compliments, also I am not going to go through another pregnancy ever again" he said with a serious tone.
        Camilo nodded in agreement "good idea I don't think I could watch you go through so much pain ever again..." Damien gently kissed him before the door opened and the twins rushed in the two getting on both sides of Damien. Joseph smiled at the baby in Damien's arms "is that our little sibling?" He asked curiously. Damien nodded "this is your guys little brother Timothy" Damien said softly. The twins eyes lit up in excitement. Camilo smiled and rubbed Amira's head "now be careful your mama is still sore and healing so we have to be careful around him and your brother." He was still a little worried. Damien was happy, Happier than he ever was before he was happy to have a family.

The end

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