Part 11

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        Camilo's eyes widened, he'd never seen Damien so angry before. Damien whined as his face calmed down and he put his hand on his stomach "we are going home..." Damien said to Camilo. Oliver looked stunned and embarrassed as he was on the ground with a bloody nose he ran off as soon as Damien said they were going home. When Damien got home with Camilo he went to the bedroom and he sat Camilo on the bed and stood in front of him. Damien paced in front of him "i don't even know where to start...I have been here with your children for two months waiting for you to come back! Night after night I cried and I was desperate to smell your pheromones any chance I got...I was nice and I let you show a new person around town instead of coming home with me to tell you that I'm pregnant and I literally feel like i haven't eaten in weeks because your baby that's growing inside me is making me throw up everything! And on top of that I think I broke my hand punching that stupid omega who tried flirting with you..." Damien said as tears began streaming down his face.
        Camilo's eyes widened as he stood up "you're pregnant..." Camilo gently sat Damien down and crouched in front of him "I'm sorry I was stupid...I'm never leaving again okay...I love you" Camilo looked into his eyes it showed he meant it. Damien cried and nodded "I love you too stupid!" Damien said stubbornly. Camilo gently kissed Damien's bruised hand "I'll wrap it up okay" he grabbed some bandages and wrapped Damien's hand and wrist up. Damien pouted "the doctor said this pregnancy could be very dangerous...and he asked if i wanted to get rid of it I said I couldn't do that..." Damien said softly. Camilo looked at him concerned "I'll support you okay I'll make everything comfortable during this pregnancy I'll help you with whatever you need okay?" Camilo kissed him softly. Damien nodded and smiled softly he felt lucky to have such an amazing mate.
        Camilo stuck to his word, the pregnancy went on like it should the next few months seemed normal his morning sickness was pretty bad but around his fifth month things took a turn for the worst. During this time Damien was stuck in bed most of the time and now the doctor was making home visits, the doctor explained that after the twins were born and his uterus shrunk back down that it had shrunk smaller than before, he said with this the muscles tighten and it would be hard for the uterus to expand causing Damien to be in a lot of pain. The pain wasn't constant it was only a few times a day but the pains would last up to half an hour at the most. Damien didn't was Amira and Joseph to see him in pain so whenever he was in pain he had Camilo or James would distract the kids. Damien lied in bed and moaned in pain he was turned away from Camilo. Camilo gently rubbed his back and kissed his shoulder, he hated seeing him like this he felt like it was his fault he should've been more careful then Damien wouldn't be miserable "can I get you anything?" Camilo asked softly. Damien slowly turned himself to look at Camilo "hold me..." he said softly. Camilo smiled and he lied beside him and hugged onto him, Camilo was worried for his mate he was a lot smaller than when he was pregnant with the twins not only because they're is only one baby but the doctor said the baby was underweight due to his severe morning sickness.
        Damien gripped onto Camilo as he whined in pain tears began going down his face "what am I doing wrong why did it have to go like this!" He said crying. Camilo could feel his heart shatter every time Damien was in pain "this isn't your fault Damien...your body is trying hard and you are trying hard that's all that matters..." he hugged him and waited for the pain to pass. Once the pain passed Camilo went and got the twins the ran to the bed and climbed up. Damien smiled "hey sweethearts" Damien said in a weak tone. They cuddled up beside Damien on each side of him "daddy said mama was tired again so he said we could play in here and keep you entertained." Joseph said sweetly. Damien smiled big "aww how sweet of you two. Your little sibling is just giving mama a hard time but I'm okay. Hmm woah see they know their big siblings are waiting for them they just kicked." Damien said with a sigh it was actually quite painful but he kept his face calm. Amira and Joseph smiled big before they put their little hands on Damien's bump. Amira could feel the baby kick "hello in there I'm your big sister Amira!" She said loudly. Joseph wanted to join in "And I'm your big brother!" He said proudly. Camilo sat on the edge of the bed with a smile as he put his hand on the bump "and I'm your daddy" he said calmly. Damien put his hand on Camilo's "and I'm your mama"
The twins seemed excited as ever to be big siblings. Damien chuckled and the bunch he felt lucky to be living such a good life despite the pains he had two beautiful children and a loving mate and another child on the way, he often thinks how different life would be if he was still locked in his bedroom in the kingdom. The pain began returning sooner than before and Damien winced "why don't you two go play with daddy in the next room..." Damien said softly. Camilo flinched before taking the kids to the next room, but it didn't stop the kids and Camilo from Damien's moans of pain. Camilo was especially worried usually there weren't pains this close together "James can you take the kids to play outside..." Camilo asked. James nodded and the kids looked frightened they didn't like hearing their mother in pain. Camilo rushed over to the doctor "Damien's pains are getting worse please come quickly." Camilo and the doctor ran back to their home. Damien was in bed curled up sobbing from the pain.

To be continued

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