Part 5

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        Soon enough they were back on the ship it was a long journey there and back so the doctor decided to tag along to be able to check on Damien and the babies if needed. Camilo smiled as he looked at his mate before ordering his crew around. Damien sat with some of the omegas on board some were crew mates and others were there so they weren't separated from their mates, none of the crew other than James were aware of his pregnancy. Damien was quiet around others and listened to people most of the time, one of the omegas were talking with James about their birthing experience and Damien just stared and listened "my last pregnancy I almost died from blood loss I told my alpha I was done after that." The omega said complaining. Damien felt his heart racing quickly when he heard that and James noticed Damien's sudden panicked look "hey it's okay Damien not all births are like that no need to panic" James said softly. Damien nodded and put his hand on his stomach "I'm going to go find Camilo." Damien's anxiety was high so he came over hugging Camilo from behind.
        Camilo jumped a little before smiling "what's wrong love?" Camilo turned around to face him. Damien looked up at him "the other omegas were talking about birth and I'm not ready to talk about it yet so now I'm here hugging you enjoying your pheromones." Damien said cutely. Camilo chuckled and smiled "love I know you're not ready to talk about birthing but I want you to be completely prepared before it's too late and you're not prepared." Camilo said with some concern. Damien whined a little and sighed "I will prepare myself but right now I can't even tell they are there." Damien put his hands on his stomach. Camilo sighed and looked down at him "but they are there, these are our children and you're not the only one who is scared...if I think to hard for a second the thought that I could lose you terrifies me...." Camilo had tears streaming down his face.
Damien reached up at grabbed his cheeks and kissed him deeply "I'm sorry I've been selfish...I've only been thinking of my feelings. When I don't think about the scary stuff I think of the happy things coming out of this like the thought of two babies that looks like you or the thought of raising them together and marrying each other..." Damien kissed him once again. Camilo smiled and kissed back as he hugged onto him "I want to marry you, and I'm excited to raise the twins together." Camilo sighed. Damien whined and his stomach growled "I'm starving..." Damien said looking at Camilo. Camilo chuckled "go to our chambers I'll bring you some food." Damien nodded and went off to their chambers. Camilo came in a few minutes later with a plate of food but when he walked in Damien was on the ground.
Damien was hugging onto himself trembling he was feeling a sharp pain "S-Somethings w-wrong..." Damien said before fainting. Camilo dropped the plate and ran to him quickly picking him up and placing him on the bed "DOCTOR! SOMEONE GO GET THE DOCTOR" Camilo yelled. By the time Damien woke up the doctor was already there and talking to Camilo "are the babies okay..." Damien asked softly. Camilo rushed over and held his hand "they are fine. Camilo said reassuring him. The doctor came over "the babies were under a little stressed and you're dehydrated so it resulted in some cramping but they are fine now so no need to worry." The doctor soon left. Damien smiled and put his hand on his stomach "I was so scared something was wrong with them..." he sighed in relief. Camilo smiled and put his hand on his stomach "quit giving your mother a hard time" Camilo said in a serious tone. Damien laughed and kissed him "don't scold them to much if they are anything like me they are sensitive" Damien slowly sat up and he frowned at the plate on the ground. Camilo noticed the sudden frown "don't worry I'll go get you more food!" He rushed off to get Damien more food.
        A month passed since they left the island and they were nearly back to Damien's kingdom. Damien yawned as he woke up and got out of bed, Camilo groaned a little when Damien got up. Damien pulled his pants on before looking at himself in the mirror noticing his stomach was sticking out more it wasn't a big difference but Damien was quite skinny so this change seemed big in his eyes. Camilo opened his eyes and saw Damien looking at himself in the mirror, he gently came up behind him wrapping his arms around Damien's waist "you look so beautiful" he said as he kissed Damien's neck. Damien blushed and smiled a little "I'm starting to get a bump is that normal this early?" Damien asked softly. Camilo chuckled "with twins it is so don't worry, and you could also just be gaining weight from eating, you are eating for three now after all." Camilo gently helped him put his shirt on.
Camilo smiled "we're almost to the kingdom I want you to stay on the ship alright, I can't risk them trying to take you back or risk you getting hurt." Camilo said gently playing with Damien's hair. Damien nodded and smiled before nuzzling into him "be careful..." Damien said softly. Camilo rubbed his back "I will don't worry." Soon enough the ship came to a stop and Camilo was grabbing weapons getting ready to go into the kingdom, Damien watched and he felt nervous seeing the kingdom. Camilo noticed the nervousness and hugged him releasing soothing pheromones "it's okay I will not let them take you again." Camilo kissed his head. Damien nodded and watched as the crew and Camilo left for the castle, Damien went and sat with James. It was about two hours before the crew started coming back but a couple of crew mates were carrying Camilo. Damien jolted up and ran to Camilo there was a lot of blood "C-Camilo?!" Damien said as tears went down his face. One of the crew mates looked at Damien "they were ready for us this time and Camilo tried to fight them off he got stabbed a few times in the process..." the crew mate said.

To be continued

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