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Each step I took down the stairs sent my heart racing, its steady rhythm echoing in my ears. It wasn't just the anticipation of the evening that weighed on me, but the persistent notifications on my phone that demanded attention. Sydney and Ariel had been bombarding me with messages about the situation.

Especially Ariel.

I yearned to check the messages, to understand what was happening behind the screen, but as I descended, the sound of Maddy's laughter reached my ears. It was a carefree sound, full of delight and excitement. She was obviously enjoying his arrival, and although I tried to match her enthusiasm, my palms were slick with sweat, and a sense of unease took hold of me. There was something off about Jackson's behavior, something that made me question my initial excitement.

Peeking discreetly from the hallway, I caught sight of him engrossed in a conversation with Miles. I tuned out Miles' ramblings, focusing solely on Jackson. It was clear he was either playing along with Miles or genuinely listening to him. The latter seemed to be the case, as his lips curled into a grin and a pair of dimples appeared on his cheeks, adding to his charm.


"Mia, why are you just standing there?" My mother's voice startled me, and I nearly lost my footing on the stairs. I managed to steady myself against the wall just in time.

"Uhh..." Turning towards her, I attempted to conjure up an excuse, but she interrupted me by grabbing my hand, pulling me along.

"Look who I found," she announced, causing all heads to turn in my direction, including Jackson's. I noticed his gaze briefly lingering on my dress before shifting back to Miles. Panic surged through me as I realized how hideous I must have looked in that moment.

I know I shouldn't have worn it!

It was too late to turn back now. Taking a deep breath, I joined Maddy on the sofa, who was discreetly snapping pictures of Jackson. "Don't tell me you're already infatuated with him," I said, rolling my eyes.

Maddy scoffed at my comment. "There's nothing wrong with capturing pics of your future boyfriend," she retorted playfully, nudging me back.

"I'm not thinking of him like that. I just want to... regain our friendship," I stumbled over my words, my hesitation betraying me.

"Sure," Maddy winked at me twice, silently indicating that she knew I was lying.

"I'm serious. He didn't even acknowledge me when Mom picked them up," I sighed, leaning back on the sofa, stealing glances at Jackson.

His broad shoulders were accentuated by the sweater he wore, concealing the true shape of his physique. Yet, I couldn't help but feel certain that he had been working out, his veiny hands a testament to his dedication.

What did he eat in Korea? He looked so...

"I think he's hot too," Maddy whispered, her laughter dancing at the edges of her words. "Huh?" I turned to face Maddy, who struggled to contain her amusement.

"Wow, you've got it bad. I feel sorry for Ethan; he doesn't stand a chance against Jackson," she teased, nodding her head subtly in Jackson's direction.

I had met Ethan when I entered middle school, a few weeks after Jackson had left. He was undeniably cute, with his Latino features and scattered freckles. Ariel had always insisted that Ethan had a crush on me, but I had chosen to dismiss her claims. It wasn't until he turned down another girl on Valentine's Day and asked me to be his date for the party that I began to suspect there was some truth to Ariel's words. I wanted to decline his invitation, but the anticipation and longing in his eyes conveyed a message that I understood all too well.

Falling For Jackson Again ✓Where stories live. Discover now