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My heart raced uncontrollably as Jackson lifted me out of the pool. I felt a blanket enveloping my head, and I noticed him gently wiping my wet hair. "Mia, what were you doing here?"

Our eyes locked, and it seemed as though confessing my feelings for him to the universe made him even more breathtaking. Or perhaps it was just the aftereffects of swallowing so much water, and I was hallucinating.

"What's happening here?" A man in his late forties approached, causing some boys to shift uncomfortably. I glanced at his shirt and saw the school logo, indicating that he was the coach.

"I apologize, sir," I said, standing up and crossing my arms to ward off the chill from the pool. "I fell into the pool."

He let out a heavy sigh. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, turning to Jackson, who was still gazing at me. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips, revealing his dimples.

"Well, I'm glad you're all right, but you need to change immediately. You might catch a cold," the coach advised. I nodded and hurriedly left the area. It was a bit embarrassing, with people staring at me, especially Rachel. She remained there, observing everything with a cold gaze.

I rushed to my locker and grabbed my spare sportswear, as it was the only extra clothing I had. Hastily, I entered the girls' restroom and emerged wearing the new outfit, just as the school bell rang. Students poured out of the building, their eyes drawn to my presence.

Just great.

"What happened to your clothes?" Avery asked, emerging from class with Sydney. Both of them looked concerned, noticing my slightly damp hair.

"Mia!" I turned, seeing Jackson running toward me.

"Guys, get in here," I urged, pulling them into the girls' restroom and finding solace behind the closed door.

"What's going on? You were searching for Jackson, and now you're running away from him?" Sydney raised an eyebrow, her voice laced with curiosity.

"Um, guys, I need to tell you something," I paced around the restroom.

"So..." I began, "like you said, I was looking for Jackson, and I went to the swimming pool area. That's when I saw Rachel with her friends. They noticed me, and—"

"Did she bully you?!" Ariel interrupted, her voice filled with concern.

"No, let me finish," I pleaded.

"Why would Rachel publicly bully her? That's not her style," Sydney frowned, folding her arms and casting a skeptical glance at Ariel.

"I was just guessing, since Mia looked like she fell into a pool," Ariel gasped. "Did she push you?"

They all fixed their eyes on me.

"Please let me finish," I implored, and they fell silent, sensing the gravity of my words.

"Thank you." I swallowed nervously and played with my hands as I continued. "So, I thought they were coming after me, and I got scared. I tried to leave, but I ended up falling into the pool." I paused, taking a deep breath.

"And..." Ariel prompted, her curiosity piqued.

"And Jackson saved me," I confessed.

"I had a feeling about that, but I don't think that's what you want to tell us, is it?" Sydney remarked, stepping closer with a concerned expression on her face.

I lowered my head, nervously chewing on my lip before speaking up. "You guys were right," I whispered, barely audible, hoping they would hear me.

"About what?" Ariel asked.

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