143 52 176

It's a little long but it's worth it❤️


"Miles, are you busy?" I peered into his room, catching a glimpse of him sitting in front of his computer, eyes focused intently on the game.

"Yes," he replied, his attention still fixed on the screen.

"Okay," I whispered, feeling a pang of disappointment. I lowered my head and began closing the door, ready to retreat. But just as I was about to shut it completely, I noticed Miles glancing at me, his expression softening. A sigh escaped his lips, and he dropped his game. "What do you want?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I stepped into his room, fiddling with my fingers nervously. "I... was... wondering if you have Jackson's number," I muttered the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear it. However, my hopes were dashed as his laughter filled the room. Miles had a distinct laugh, one that resembled a monkey's, but in a strangely endearing way.

"I can't believe you don't have his number, damn Mia, you need to up your game," he chuckled. "I heard Rachel is hovering around him like a peacock."

I scoffed at his remark, realizing that Maddy must have already spilled the beans to him. Miles was right, though. Ever since Jackson thought I was dating Ethan a few days ago, it seemed like the universe had conspired against me again. He would give us rides home from school, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him the truth. With Maddy being at the backseat staring at us like some creep, it was a no go in the car, and during class, Rachel would find flimsy excuses to get closer to him.

What frustrated me even more was that Jackson seemed to be allowing it.

"You know what?" Miles interrupted my thoughts, his laughter subsiding. "I'll do you one better." He swiftly rose from his seat, grabbed his phone, and began typing away. In a matter of seconds, a notification pinged on my phone.

"You'll thank me later. Now please get out," he said, opening his door and smiling mischievously at me. I let out a sigh and left his room, but before he closed the door, he called out my name.

"Hey, Mia."

I turned to face him, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "What?"

"Dress pretty this time," he said with a playful wink, before slamming the door shut. Confusion washed over me, but curiosity got the better of me. I unlocked my phone and saw a new text from Miles. The message simply read, "21 Cenfall Avenue."

A wide smile spread across my face as I realized that it was Jackson's house number. I couldn't contain my excitement. I turned back and stared at Miles' closed door, "Sometimes he's the best brother," I whispered to myself as I skipped into my room like a happy bunny.

 "You can do this, Mia," I whispered to myself, mustering up the courage to knock on Jackson's door. I had spent a whole hour meticulously choosing a cute outfit, settling on a pink top and a blue jean skirt that I hoped would make a good impression.

Engaging in a video call with my friends, I sought their reassurance. "It's not weird, right?" I asked, seeking validation. Sydney appeared confused, but she replied, "I don't know, Mia. Since you're already here, why back down? It doesn't make sense."

Her words resonated with me, and a surge of determination flooded through me. "You guys are right. I'll talk to you later. Bye," I waved goodbye as I ended the call. Taking a deep breath, I finally raised my hand and knocked on Jackson's door.

The door swung open, revealing Jackson's mom, who appeared surprised at my unexpected visit. "Mia?" she exclaimed.

"Good day, Mrs. Yung... oh, I mean Miss Yung... no, I mean..." I stumbled over my words, feeling flustered for no apparent reason. However, her laughter instantly put me at ease. "Oh, Mia, it's okay. You can call me Mimi, okay, love?" She smiled warmly, and I couldn't help but notice the resemblance between her and Jackson. "Yes, Mimi."

Falling For Jackson Again ✓Where stories live. Discover now