Chapter 4

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Honestly, Simon never understood why Marceline had chosen to live in a cave. He always thought she was better than that. But who knows, maybe he only thought that because he hated all the climbing up and down he had to do just to get to the house. When he finally arrived and knocked on her door, he was eager to rest his bones.
"Simon!" Marcy shouted in the same tone she always did when seeing him."What brings you here?"
"Um, just gettin' some fresh air. Seeing if you're up to something. Are you up to something?"
"Oh no, not at all. Come on in!" She opens the door wider and Simon steps through, once she closes it she continues "We're just doing scales."
"Yeah, don't worry she won't mind,"
Simon sits down on her couch.
"Marceline!" a voice was heard from the kitchen
"Huh?" Marcy called back
"Do you only have a refrigerator full of gray apples?"
"There should be red ones in there!" She shrugged her shoulders "Like one."
"Ugh, where- found it, you really need to get rid of these gray ones," the person appears from inside the kitchen. Samira is standing there with an apple in her hand. "Oh, hello."

Simon, who catches himself staring at the voluptuous woman clears his throat, "Um hi, you're um Samira?"
"Yes," she takes a bit out of the apple.
"I'm Simon, Simon Petrikov," he goes up to her, putting his hand out to shake hers. "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too.." she shakes his hand confused.
"I'm gonna go set up the keyboard, let me know when you're ready," Marceline leaves into the living room.

Samira gives her a thumbs up. For a few seconds it was silent, Simon looked at every inch and corner of the house; trying to look at anything but the person in front of him. "I saw you sing by the way", he spoke. "Your voice is so amazing, you moved the whole room with your words; it was phenomenal."
"Thank you," Samira smiled, flattered.
"The pleasure is mine," he smiled at her. He was starting to stare again until Marceline poked her head in.
"Yo let's go girl! We got art to create", she said. Samira throws the apple core into trash following Marceline, Simon follows behind them.

Samira stands next to Marceline at the keyboard, Simon sits on the couch but quickly groans in pain; he had forgotten that this couch wasn't for sitting on.
"Okay, you ready?" Marceline looks at Samira.
"Whenever you are" Samira answered.

They begin singing consecutive ascending notes , Simon watches, staring at Samira as she hits each note. He couldn't understand how a woman so small could have such a powerful voice, it felt as though he was in a trance. "What's the name-"

"Simon! You threw us off!" Marceline exclaimed.
"Threw you off," Samira pointed at her.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to donk up your thing." Simon blushed.
"It's okay, we were doing scales," Samira said. Simon is flustered.
"Whatever, I needed a break anyway; Simon you want anything?" Marceline offered.
"Just water if ya have it," he said nervously.
"Do I not get a snack?" Samira crosses her arms.
"Didn't you already have one?" Marceline raises an eyebrow.
"What is that supposed to mean-"

Marceline leaves the room.
             "Hey!" Samira follows her into the kitchen. Simon sits alone in awkward silence.

Marceline is rummaging through cabinets, "Ugh I really need to get some more red".
             "And throw away the gray," Samira leans against the kitchen counter.

Marceline rolls her eyes, "So, whaddya think?"
                 "Of..the fridge? I think you need more snack options," Samira shrugged.
                  "Not the snacks, Simon, what do you think of him?" Marceline pulls out a pack of strawberries.
                "Why? And you had strawberries?!" Samira gasps.
                "Forget the strawberries! Simon!" Marceline throws a strawberry at her.
                "What about him?" Samira asked.
                "Is he cute? Is he ugly? Is he nice? Mean? Spill the beans!" Marceline crosses her arms.
               "I mean he's not mean, the man has said anything" Samira shrugs smirking. She knew this was eating at Marceline.
               "What about looks?" Marceline leans into her, smiling and raising both eyebrows. Samira just shrugs, Marceline is annoyed, this was so like her. "You're messin' me up, and you know you are."
                "You deprived me of snacks, I deprived you of info," Samira smirks. Marceline throws another strawberry at her Samira laughs and throws it back but misses, "How do you even know him?"
           "He took care of me, he raised me," Marceline smiled, reminiscing on her and Simon's time together. "He was basically my dad."
              "Basically?" Samira raised an eyebrow. "Don't you like have a dad? Who's literally a demon?"
            "He could eat rocks for all I care," Marceline says with disgust. "Simon was there with me through it all"
           "Hm," Samira looks at Simon who is still sitting looking around the living room, she smirks. "Well, tell daddy he's cute."
         "Okay I definitely will," Marceline goes into the living room with a glass of water.
        "Wait, what?!" Samira looks at her shocked.
        "Simon!" Marceline goes up to him, handing him the glass. "Here's your water."
       "Thank you," Simon starts to drink.
       "I have something to tell you," Marceline sits next to him. He looks at her still
drinking, "Samira told me, and these are her words; 'Tell daddy he's cute' ." Simon chokes on the water, hacking and coughing; Marceline laughs and Samira stands in the kitchen shocked with a strawberry halfway into her mouth.
       "What?!" Simon got out before coughing again.
       "She said-"
       "Don't repeat it!"

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