Chapter 11

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Although Samira had been inside of Simon's house before, this time she was stepping inside with the intention of staying there overnight, and that alone was exciting. She pulled in the duffel that she had to force Simon to let her carry. He teetered behind her, his hand awkwardly hanging in front of him. Samira drops her bag on the side of the couch and stood with her back to him, before turning to address him.
"Now what?"
He looks confused "What do you mean?"
"I'm your roomie for the week, what do you want to do to..." she paused "break me in,"
He did not address her double layered thinly veiled sexual pun, though it seems that he didn't understand it.
"I'm not sure," He closes the door, then his eyes brighten before saying "It's funny. This reminds me of when Betty and I first moved in together." He laughs "Before we even had a bed or a table, she kicked off her shoes and started dancing in the empty space. It was so fun to watch her."

Samira had started to feel slightly uncomfortable. There was nothing she could contribute to that topic. She didn't know her, and considering that she no longer existed, Samira did not see the importance of talking about her. Nothing they would even say would change anything in their present, except fill the room with dead air.

And fill the room with dead air, it did. Simon seemed to be a bit too focused on memories to notice that Samira hadn't responded, and she was starting to get a little chafed. Yes, obviously she was important to him, but what woman wants to hear about the ex of the guy they're attracted to? Samira cleared her throat, which seemed to snap him out of his trance, while simultaneously embarrassed him for being in one.
"Sorry," he said, his face flushing
"It's fine," she responded, "When you were talking about..." she clears her throat "Betty." she tries to rush past the name "Only she danced?" Simon turns his head to the side in confusion "Like, did you? Did you dance?"
He takes the time to think about it "No, I don't think so. I was just so enamored while watching her"
Samira's face is flat, betraying no emotion "Did you want to?"
"Dance. Did you want to dance?"
He looked away and rubbed his arm "Didn't I already embarrass myself on your birthday?"
She gave him a small smile "How about this," she touches his arm "You can teach me to dance how you do. Like the ballroom thing or whatever"
He smiles "Okay."

After some furniture pushing. Samira and Simon stood in the middle of the empty space. Samira waves her arms around.
"Teach me, Professor!"
Simon smiles at her and put his arms out, reaching toward her "You have to come to me."
Samira looks playfully suspicious "You can't come to me?"
He shakes his head "No no no. You have to come to me."
"Because I'm leading."
"Why are you leading?"
"Because you dont know what you're doing!" he smiles "Besides, I'm the man."
She approaches him "So what?"
"The man always leads."
"Okay, but that doesn't mean they-"
He puts up his finger "Do you want me to teach you or not?"
She steps into his arms, with a slight frown that he did not seem to notice. There was nothing Samira hated more that being interrupted, but she didn't want to make it a big deal. He was respectful in every other way.

Simon placed one of her hands on his shoulder and the other, he held in his hand.
"May I touch you?" he asked
See? Respectful?
"Yes," she responded definitively
He places his free hand on her waist, which electrifies her (metaphorically, of course). She wasn't really able to read his face, and see where his mind, with left a bit of a pit in her stomach.
"I'm going to start now. Just follow me."
Each step he took she followed, unsure of where and how far to step, she looked down at their feet. As she watched his feet move, she felt Simon's hand lifting up her chin.
"You have to look at me," he spoke gently. She reflexively opened her mouth to respond, and he lifted her chin higher before she could. Samira's body felt like it was on fire (in a pleasant way). She felt herself sinking into the sight of him, when he spoke.
"I remember when I used to dance with Betty. She used to want to lead too." He laughs at his memories and looks off to the side "One time she accidentally...."
Samira did not hear the rest of the story through the ringing in her ears. She squinted her eyes and pursed her lip. Her feet stop moving and her fingers reactively grip his shoulder and his fingers to get his attention.
He snaps back to attention "Yes?"
"Look at me."
He does look at her, and gradually loses his train of thought while they drop their arms momentarily. He stares into her eyes, wide and deep. He suddenly felt sheepish.
"Did you need something?" He asked
She shrugged slightly "You're supposed to look at me aren't you?"
He nods "Yes. I am"

I Want You, SimonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ